Design, Fabrication And Performance Evaluation Of Pedal Operated Groundnut Decorticator
CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 2]
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1.2 Statement of the Problems
Research shows that groundnut has an inherent poor storage life, if not threshed after harvesting unlike some other crops, but in threshed forms, it can be stored for a very long period of time (Onuoha 2010). Therefore, to overcome the problem associated with manual threshing and quick rate of insect infestation after harvesting, the development of groundnut decorticating machine is of paramount. Traditionally the seeds are left in the pods which would then be stored in a pot and would only be shelled when they are needed for cooking (Ngugi, 2007), shelling is one by hand or beating with a short stick or pestle and mortar, followed by winnowing (Kaul and Egbo, 1985). The constraints such as fatigue, high time energy inputs and inefficiency in manual shelling of groundnut led to design and fabrication of pedal operated groundnut Sheller that will go a long way in solving the problem of rural farmers that are engage in groundnut production at small and medium scale level.
1.3 Objective of the Project
The main objective of the project is to design and fabricate a pedal operated groundnut decorticator that will remove and separate the groundnut seed from the hull for domestic and industrial uses.
The Specific Objectives are to:
i) determine the physical properties of groundnut seed in relation to the design of pedal operated ground decorticator.
ii) design and fabricate a pedal operated groundnut decorticator
iii) evaluate the performance of the decorticator in terms of decorticating. Efficiency, percentage of breakage, percentage of shelled seed throughput capacity.
1.4 Justification of the Project
Due to high lose that are recorded due to lack of adequate power supply, these are expected to be achieve at the end of the project. We can save the time and money by using pedal operated groundnut decorticator, limited number of labour will be required, groundnut will be available for domestic and industrial use. The fabrication of the machine will encourage the farmers to grow more groundnuts.
The machine would overcome the traditional method by reducing wastage due to crack or crushed groundnut, to increase the efficiency, to reduce the hard work and to reduced time to shell the groundnut, to develop a low cost machine which can be used by farmer to convert their semi-finished (shell groundnut) into finished product (groundnut) and it satisfies the need of village people to earn more money.
1.5 Scope of the Study
Groundnut is the sixth most important oil seed crop in the world and is widely cultivated in Nigeria. The project work is limited to groundnut seed. The variable factors to be considered in this study were feed rate and characteristics of the operator (weight, height and knuckle length).
CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 2]
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ABSRACT - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]ABSTRACTShelling of groundnut pods (Arachis hypegea) by hand is tedious, laborious and unhygienic with low efficiencies. As a result farmer get low income due to amount of broken kernels and a lot of time is lost in the tedious shelling operation. To overcome this problem, pertinent parameters that influence shelling efficiency of pedal operated groundnut decorticator were identified. Pedal operated decorticator were designed and fabricated with chain and sprocket of bicycle and aluminum spike t ... Continue reading---
APPENDIX A - [ Total Page(s): 3 ] ... Continue reading---
APPENDIX B - [ Total Page(s): 6 ]S.E= ("H" )/"A" "×100%" = "549" /"1000" "×100%" = 55% At 1500g S.E= ("H" )/"A" "×100%" = "808" /"1500" "×100%" = 54%Percentage of breakage Broken Efficiency (%) B.E= ("E" )/"A" "×100%" Where B.E is broken efficiency (%) E= Weight of broken groundnut seed (g) A= Weight of groundnut seed fed in to hopper (g) Broken Efficiency for Operator (I) At 500g B.E= "E " /"A" ... Continue reading---
LIST OF TABLES - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]LIST OF TABLESTable No Table 3.1: BILL OF ENGINEERING MEASUREMENT AND EVALUATION (BEME) Table 3.1: Sample Preparation Table 4.1 Data Sheet for Physical Properties of Groundnut Pods Table 4.2 Data Sheet for Output Parameters Table 4.3 Data Sheet for Output Table 4.4 Average Performance of Thresher ... Continue reading---
LIST OF PLATES - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]LIST OF PLATESPlate No Plate 2.1: Groundnut Pod Plate 3.1: Sample of Groundnut Seed Plate 3.2: Determination of Coefficient of Static Friction and Angle of Repose Plate 3.3: Pedal Operated Groundnut Decorticator Plate 3.3: Digital Venier Caliper Plate 3.4: Digital Weighing Scale Plate 3.5: Digital Stop Watch Scale Plate 3.6: Electric Oven Plate 3.7: Tachometer ... Continue reading---
LIST OF FIGURES - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]LIST OF FIGURESFigure No Figure 2.1: Maize Sheller Figure 2.2: Hand Maize Sheller Figure 2.3: Groundnut Thresher Figure 2.4: Manual Operated Groundnut Decorticator (Oscillating Type) Figure 2.5 Power Operated Groundnut Decorticator ... Continue reading---
TABLE OF CONTENTS - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]TABLE OF CONTENTSCover Page Title Page Certification Dedication Acknowledgements Abstract Table of Contents List of Tables List of Figures List of Plates CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background to the Study 1.2 Statement of the Problems 1.3 Objective of the Project 1.4 Justification of the Project 1.5 Scope of the Study CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Physical Properties of Groundnut 2.1.1 Determination of Size 2.1.2 Determi ... Continue reading---
CHAPTER TWO - [ Total Page(s): 10 ]Gardi (Gsrdi (2008) developed rotary type groundnut
decorticator-cum-cleaner. The average decorticating capacity, average
decorticating efficiency, average cleaning efficiency, percent broken
kernels, cost of operation were estimated. The results showed that the
values were 120.72 kg/h, 84.69%, 87.76%, 5.7% and Rs 23.28/100kg
kernels, respectively. Haque et al., (2009) reported that
crushing strength of rubber seeds were found to be 121.1kg/cm2 followed
by J ... Continue reading---
CHAPTER THREE - [ Total Page(s): 12 ]Therefore, minimum energy required to shell a groundnut kernel = 2.84Kg/ms.Power Requirement From, P = (2л NT)/60 (Khurmi et al2005.;) (3.6)WhereР= Power N = Seed (rpm) T = Applied torqueAlso, T = F rWhere F = Force exerted r = Radius of force exertedP = "2 л NT" /"60" P ... Continue reading---
CHAPTER FOUR - [ Total Page(s): 2 ]CHAPTER FOUR4.0 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION4.1 ResultsThe raw data for physical properties is as presented in Appendix A while the summary of the results is as presented in table 4.1.The raw data obtained from the experiment is as reported in Appendix B and the means values of the results is as presented in table 4.2. ... Continue reading---
CHAPTER FIVE - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]CHAPTER FIVE CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS5.1 Conclusions The following conclusion can be drawn from the performance carried out on groundnut decorticator. 1. The lower the knuckle length of the operator the higher the threshing efficiency of the operator. 2. The lower the weight of the operator the higher the throughput capacity of the machine.3. The average performance of the thresher at average operating speed of 245.4pm are threshing efficiency 56%, unthreshe ... Continue reading---
REFRENCES - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]REFERENCESAdewunmi, T. (2000) Performance Evaluation of a Locally Developed Maize Sheller with Husking and Winnowing Capacity Proceeding of the NIAE. Pp. 68-73.Afosie, V.N., Akinhanm, T.F. and Ojiodu, C.C. (2009) Proximate Analysis and Physio-Chemical Properties of Groundnut.Ashish S. Raghtafe and Dr. C. C. Handa (2014): “Design consideration of Groundnut Sheller machineâ€. Department of Mechanical Engineering, KDK College of Engineering, Nagpu. International Journal of Innovative R ... Continue reading---