• Design, Fabrication And Performance Evaluation Of Pedal Operated Groundnut Decorticator

  • CHAPTER TWO -- [Total Page(s) 10]

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    • 2.1.4    Angle of Repose
      This is the steepest angle of dip relative to the horizontal plane to which a material can be piled without slumping (Kileinhans, 2011).
      2.1.5    Porosity
      This is the measure of the voids – space in an agricultural material.
      2.1.6    Surface Area 
      This is the measure of the total area that the surface of an agricultural material occupies.  It can be determined for kernels fruits and leaf.
      The surface area can be determined by
          S = Ï€D2                        (McCabe et al., 2006).
      Dg = the geometric mean diameter
      Ï€  = the pie
      Surface Area is used to determine the plant-soil-water relations in the application of plant-protecting chemicals and also used to carry out test in crops and fruit such as respiration measurement, color etc.
      2.2    History of Groundnut in Nigeria
      Groundnut (Arahiis hypogaea) is the 13th most important food crop of the world.  It is the world’s 4th most important source of edible oil and 3rd most important source of vegetable protein (Taru et al., 2010). It is one of the most popular commercial crop in Nigeria which accounted to 70 percent of the total Nigeria export earning between 1955 and mid 1980s due to combine effect of drought and disease (Misari et al., 1980).  According to (Taru, et al., 2008) major groundnut zone in Nigeria are the south and northern guinea savanna where the soil and agro-climatical conditions are favorable. It requires 500 to 1600 mm of rainfall which may last for 70 to 200 days of raining season in the Sudan savanna.
      Globally, 50 percent of groundnut producer is used for oil extraction, 37% for confectionary use and 12% for seed purposes.  Hence, Nigeria produces 41% of the total groundnut production in west Africa (Abalu and Etuk, 1986; Hamidu et al., 2006).  It is an important component of Nigerian diet and about 3percent of the estimated 58.9g of crude protein available percent of agriculture in Nigeria is not meeting the demand of its teeming population, despite the country’s endowment with abundant and diversified range of natural, human and capital resources and oil revenue, has remained one of the poorest countries in Africa.  The transformation of agriculture from low productive traditional inputs to high productivity modern inputs is a major problem facing agricultural development in sub-Saharan African countries including Nigeria, (Ibrahim et al., 2006).
      2.3    Agronomy of Groundnut
      Groundnut production is by selecting deep, well-drained long-sand, sandy-loan, or sandy-clay-loan soil with moderate organic material. Avoid fallow and virgin lands as these may not have the appropriate natural rhizobium for effective modulation.  A soil test act a reputable soils laboratory help determine whether the soil amendments or not. Seed selection, pods should be shelled 1–2 weeks before sowing only good quality seed should be discarded it.  Land preparation, prepare land early enough to sow with the effective early rains in accordance with the chosen groundnut planting pattern on flat topped ridges 30cm high special 75cm apart or on flat seedbeds.
      Temperature groundnut requires a soil temperature of 65 degree f for germination several days after germination, peanut plants emerge from the ground.  At that point, the warmer the temperature the better.  Rainfall is critical to peanut crop particularly during the flowering period. Flowers emerge six to eight weeks after the plant breaks ground.  Once the flower is fertilized it drop off and the remaining stem curves downward and penetrates the soil.  This process takes about 10 days. During this period the peanut plants should receive a good soaking to a depth of 6 to 8 inches each week.

  • CHAPTER TWO -- [Total Page(s) 10]

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    • ABSRACT - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]ABSTRACTShelling of groundnut pods (Arachis hypegea) by hand is tedious, laborious and unhygienic with low efficiencies. As a result farmer get low income due to amount of broken kernels and a lot of time is lost in the tedious shelling operation. To overcome this problem, pertinent parameters that influence shelling efficiency of pedal operated groundnut decorticator were identified. Pedal operated decorticator were designed and fabricated with chain and sprocket of bicycle and aluminum spike t ... Continue reading---


      APPENDIX A - [ Total Page(s): 3 ] ... Continue reading---


      APPENDIX B - [ Total Page(s): 6 ]S.E=     ("H"  )/"A"  "×100%"     =   "549" /"1000"  "×100%"         = 55%    At 1500g S.E=     ("H"  )/"A"  "×100%"     = "808" /"1500"  "×100%" = 54%Percentage of breakage     Broken Efficiency (%) B.E=  ("E"  )/"A"  "×100%" Where B.E is broken efficiency (%)  E=     Weight of broken groundnut seed (g) A=    Weight of groundnut seed fed in to hopper (g) Broken Efficiency for Operator (I)     At 500g B.E=       "E " /"A"  ... Continue reading---


      LIST OF TABLES - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]LIST OF TABLESTable No    Table 3.1:     BILL OF ENGINEERING MEASUREMENT AND EVALUATION (BEME)  Table 3.1:     Sample Preparation  Table 4.1     Data Sheet for Physical Properties of Groundnut Pods Table 4.2     Data Sheet for Output Parameters  Table 4.3     Data Sheet for Output  Table 4.4     Average Performance of Thresher ... Continue reading---


      LIST OF PLATES - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]LIST OF PLATESPlate No  Plate 2.1:     Groundnut Pod  Plate 3.1:     Sample of Groundnut Seed Plate 3.2:     Determination of Coefficient of Static Friction and Angle of Repose  Plate 3.3:     Pedal Operated Groundnut Decorticator Plate 3.3:     Digital Venier Caliper Plate 3.4:     Digital Weighing Scale  Plate 3.5:     Digital Stop Watch Scale Plate 3.6:     Electric Oven  Plate 3.7:     Tachometer  ... Continue reading---


      LIST OF FIGURES - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]LIST OF FIGURESFigure No  Figure 2.1:     Maize Sheller  Figure 2.2:     Hand Maize Sheller  Figure 2.3:      Groundnut Thresher Figure 2.4:     Manual Operated Groundnut Decorticator (Oscillating Type)  Figure  2.5     Power Operated Groundnut Decorticator    ... Continue reading---


      TABLE OF CONTENTS - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]TABLE OF CONTENTSCover Page   Title Page  Certification  Dedication Acknowledgements  Abstract  Table of Contents List of Tables  List of Figures List of Plates CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION 1.1    Background to the Study 1.2    Statement of the Problems 1.3    Objective of the Project 1.4    Justification of the Project 1.5    Scope of the Study  CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW  2.1    Physical Properties of Groundnut  2.1.1    Determination of Size 2.1.2    Determi ... Continue reading---


      CHAPTER ONE - [ Total Page(s): 2 ]CHAPTER ONEINTRODUCTION1.1    Background to the StudyGroundnut (Arachis hypogaea) is a species in the legume or beans family (Ashish and Handa, 2014; Atiku et al., 2014).  It was first cultivated in Peru. Its seed contain about 63% carbohydrate, 19% protein and 6.5% oil. Groundnuts are grown in tropical and subtropical climate regions and warmer parts of temperature regions and it is low growing annual plant and has a variety of uses.  Prior to its usage however groundnut need to undergo pr ... Continue reading---


      CHAPTER THREE - [ Total Page(s): 12 ]Therefore, minimum energy required to shell a groundnut kernel        =    2.84Kg/ms.Power      Requirement From,  P   =    (2л NT)/60    (Khurmi et al2005.;)                        (3.6)WhereР    =    Power    N    =    Seed        (rpm)    T    =    Applied torqueAlso,    T    =    F rWhere F    =    Force exerted      r    =    Radius of force exertedP    =    "2 л  NT" /"60" P   ... Continue reading---


      CHAPTER FOUR - [ Total Page(s): 2 ]CHAPTER FOUR4.0    RESULTS AND DISCUSSION4.1    ResultsThe raw data for physical properties is as presented in Appendix A while the summary of the results is as presented in table 4.1.The raw data obtained from the experiment is as reported in Appendix B and the means values of the results is as presented in table 4.2. ... Continue reading---


      CHAPTER FIVE - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]CHAPTER FIVE CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS5.1    Conclusions     The following conclusion can be drawn from the performance carried out on groundnut decorticator. 1.    The lower the knuckle length of the operator the higher the threshing efficiency of the operator. 2.    The lower the weight of the operator the higher the throughput capacity of the machine.3.    The average performance of the thresher at average operating speed of 245.4pm are threshing efficiency 56%, unthreshe ... Continue reading---


      REFRENCES - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]REFERENCESAdewunmi, T. (2000) Performance Evaluation of a Locally Developed Maize Sheller with Husking and Winnowing Capacity Proceeding of the NIAE. Pp. 68-73.Afosie, V.N., Akinhanm, T.F. and Ojiodu, C.C. (2009) Proximate Analysis and Physio-Chemical Properties of Groundnut.Ashish S. Raghtafe and Dr. C. C. Handa (2014):  “Design consideration of Groundnut Sheller machine”. Department of Mechanical Engineering, KDK College of Engineering, Nagpu. International Journal of Innovative R ... Continue reading---