2.7.8 Pedal Operated Thresher (Paddy Thresher):
Shows a schematic diagram of pedal operated paddy thresher. It consists of wire-loop type threshing cylinder, power transmission system, mild steel body and foot pedal. The threshing cylinder consists of loop of ‘U’-shape embedded in wooden or metallic strips joined to two discs. A shaft on the threshing cylinder and is connected to the transmission system. The transmission consists of meshed gears or sprocket-chain mechanism. The larger gear or sprocket is connected to foot pedal/bar with links. The foot et al bar is always in raised position. On pressing the p the threshing cylinder starts rotating. For continuous rotation of cylinder, the pedal is low.
2.8 Terminology Related to Thresher
2.8.1 Feed Rate
It is the quantity of crop feed into the inlet of thresher per unit time.
2.8.2 Clean Grain
It is the threshed grain, free from foreign matter and broken grain
2.8.3 Concave Clearance
It is the clearance between beater and concave.
2.8.4 Cleaning Efficiency
It is the clean gain received at main grain outlet(s) with respect to total grain mixture received at main outlet(s) exposed as percentage by mass.
2.8.5 Threshing Efficiency
The threshed grain received from all outlets with respect to total grain input, expressed as percentage by mass.
2.9 Review of Existing work
Many scholars have worked on different crop threshers among whom are;
Mayande et.al., (2006) reported that in CRIDA groundnut sheller, the basic mechanism used in groundnut was rubbing and impact mechanism because of which the shelling efficiency is increased and the broken seed were reduced considerably. The groundnut sheller developed by CRIDA, Hyderabad operates on 2hp, 3 phase electric motor. It saves 90 per cent of the labour compare to traditional method. The cost of operation 0er quintal seed is only Rs.5