Design, Fabrication And Performance Evaluation Of Pedal Operated Groundnut Decorticator
3.9 Performance Evaluation
3.9.1 Sourcing of Experimental Material
Groundnut pod (Arachis hypogaea) were bought at Oja- Oba Market, Ilorin in Kwara State and are kept in a cool dry place before the experiments were conducted. All experiments were performed in the workshop at the Agricultural and Bio-environmental Engineering Department within the normal com temperature range. The groundnut seed used for the experiment were defect free.
3.9.2 Sample Preparation
The groundnut pods were sorted, cleaned and weighed into three different weights with the aid of electronic digital weighing machine (500g, 1000g and 1500g). The moisture content were also determined as expressed by (Chakraverty et al., 2004) 103oC for 6hrs to constant. Three operators were selected for this experiment. There data were taken as reported in table 3.1.
ABSRACT - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]ABSTRACTShelling of groundnut pods (Arachis hypegea) by hand is tedious, laborious and unhygienic with low efficiencies. As a result farmer get low income due to amount of broken kernels and a lot of time is lost in the tedious shelling operation. To overcome this problem, pertinent parameters that influence shelling efficiency of pedal operated groundnut decorticator were identified. Pedal operated decorticator were designed and fabricated with chain and sprocket of bicycle and aluminum spike t ... Continue reading---
ABSRACT - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]ABSTRACTShelling of groundnut pods (Arachis hypegea) by hand is tedious, laborious and unhygienic with low efficiencies. As a result farmer get low income due to amount of broken kernels and a lot of time is lost in the tedious shelling operation. To overcome this problem, pertinent parameters that influence shelling efficiency of pedal operated groundnut decorticator were identified. Pedal operated decorticator were designed and fabricated with chain and sprocket of bicycle and aluminum spike t ... Continue reading---