Evaluation Of The Effect Of Land Scope On Soil Loss From Erosion Sites
CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]
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These functions are worthy of protection because of their socio-economical importance as well as environmental importance.
loss of organic matter, compaction, salinization, landslides,
contamination and sealing are evidence of soil degradation. Soil
degradation is accelerating with negative effects on human health,
natural ecosystems and climates change, as well as on our economy.
one of the most serious environmental problems facing our nation and
the world in general is he loss of top soil layer through the process of
detchament and transportation caused by the impact of raindrop and the
resulting overland flow. Soil erosion is the process by which the
surface of the land is attacked, resulting to gullies in valleys, cliffs
and hills and it is completely washed into water bodies. It is composed
of many factors which is a function of intensity, duration,
infiltration, susceptibility including soil detachability and
When water is applied into the soil continually in
the form of irrigation or rainfall, it filters downward into the soil at
a certain time, the soil will be saturated then the excess above
infiltration capacity will result to surface runoff above infiltration
capacity will result to surface runoff thereby leading to transportation
of detached particles and erosion.
The basic causes of erosion have been classified into three factors.
i. Climatic factors
ii. Geological factors and
iii. Human activities
The climatic factors: The climate factors that influences erosion are
rainfall amount, intensity and frequency. During the period of frequent
rainfall, a greater percentage of the rainfall will become runoff this
is due to high soil moisture or saturated conditions.
ii) The
Geologic factors: This is caused as result of the action of the wind,
water, ice and gravity in wearing away rock to form soil and shape the
ground surface.
iii) The Human Activities: Human causes most soil
erosion when strip the natural vegetation from the steeper slopes and do
not put back a cover of healthy grass of other vegetation. This leads
to the worse erosion. Take for instance in Enugu state, high annual
rainfall helps in speeding up soil erosion including river bank and
sediment transportation. The geology of an area is a useful index for
gauging the erodibility of that particular place.
CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]
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ABSRACT - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]Soil loss is as a result of detachment and transportation of soil particles from one place to another due to rainfall. The rate of soil erosion has been of great concern to the government and people of Enugu state as regards to farm land and environmental degradation. This work analyzed the soil samples collected from two erosion sites namely, IMT campus I and Campus III and the soil loss for the samples which is the mainstay of this project was determined using a rainfall simulator. It was obse ... Continue reading---