• Proposed Recreational Park

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 4]

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      Recreation is an activity that people voluntarily pursue for personal enjoyment or satisfaction, usually during their free time. Recreation takes variety of forms and occurs in places, depending on the choice of the individual. Some recreations are passive, such engage on recreation in their homes or communities or they may travel along distance for a recreation activity.
      Since the end of World War II in 1945, recreation has become an important element in modern life. High incomes and improvement in working conditions and transportation have given many people more money, time and mobility for recreation. Today, recreation is a major industry.
      Recreation provides pleasures for millions of people but it may also make an important contribution to an individual mental and physical health. For example, a hospital often organizes recreational activities under trained supervisors as therapy for patients.
      Therefore, this project report will examine in a broad overview of the social and planning philosophers that lie behind the location, programming and operation of the future of recreation. It is proposed to bring out visually and verbally the most creation new idea and speculative on what potentials these may hold for the future, taking into consideration the desire of children, adults and the community at large. (The world book encyclopedia.)
      1.1 MOTIVATION
      A country with a high standard of living is bound to have a high participation in recreational park. The high standard of living referred to their centers on high disposable income, which is also accompanied by reduction in working hours and long leisure time.
      These have to be money to spent, as well as the referee time to spend it. Some geographical and social factor previously discussed, on the introductory page.
      This is one of the things been looked at to create an environment at Keffis, which will serve as a conducive atmosphere for the project and also to serve as a short time visit to the recreational area for the purpose of recreational education and business. It will therefore, include visitors, seminars, conventions etc. this will be phased out in stage of development for the smooth emerged of facilities, which are relevant and marketable at the time of implementation.
      Keffi as local government area in Nasarawa state, north central Nigeria. It was founded in the year 1800 by Abdul Zanga (Abdullah), a Fulani warrior from the North who made it the seat of a Vassal emirate subject to the Emir of Zaria.
      (A town 153miles (246km) North). Although keffi paid tribute to Zaria throughout the 19th century, it was constantly raided for slaves; its war in the reign of Sidi Umaru, with the nearby town of Nasarawa resulted in a further payment of slaves to Zaria.
      In 1902 the British transferred the headquarters of Nasarawa province to Keffi to protect the trade caravans going to the North from Benue River. The killing of British administrator in keffi by the Zaria Magaji (representative), who subsequently fled to Kano (220miles (350km) north-north west), the most powerful of the Fulani emirates, led to the British attack on and defeat of Kano in 1903. The people of keffi have settled in this area for over 250 years ago before the creation of the present Nasarawa state.
      Most of the inhabitants of the traditional emirates are gwandara people, engaged in tin and columbite mining and in farming. Keffi has a teacher training college, hospital and the state university.

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 4]

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    • ABSRACT - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]Mans activities are affected in several ways by the immediate environment he lives in and what condition he found himself. Any activity that gives pleasures and is engaged in form of choice and not from necessity can be considered recreation”. Park and recreation, the benefit is endless”. If man spends his time wisely, he can greatly enrich his life. His recreation can help to discovered new talents and to improve himself physically mentally and psychologically. This research is carr ... Continue reading---