• Design Of Road Pavements Designing Of Road Pavement Linking Federal Secretariat Industrial Centre

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      In design of road, the current physical characteristics of ehicle in use and the anticipated future improvement in se are all essential. These vehicles are evaluated in terms f a standard vehicle known a design vehicle. The design data for a road stretch include: aix load, axle space, overall length, eight and width of the design vehicle.
      1. Length: The length of the vehicle will affect the extra widening at curves and minimum turning radius the passing sight distance the road capacity and parking facilities for example 12m are recommended for a single unit truck while 20m (19:812m) for Troilus
      2. Width: The width of the vehicle will affect the lane width the width of shoulders and the width of parking spaces. AASHO recommends a maximum width of 2.59m.
      3. Height: The height of the vehicle will affect the overall height distance provided under structure such as: bridges, overhead bridges electric services lines etc. the maximum height for vehicle should not be more than 4m.
      4. Weight: The weight of vehicles affects the thickness of the pavement, ruling and limiting gradient and design of bridges.
      5. speed: vehicle affects horizontal and vertical alignment design elevation limiting radius, signal distances, width of pavement on straight and curves for the purpose of this project a design speed of 30km/n is been considered. He design speed is the maximum speed maintainable throughout the journey with compatible safely and comfort)
      A driver could be a vehicle rive, cyclist or pedestrian. There are no average drivers as the capabilities of a driver changes under such effects as fatigue ,frustration, monotony and alcohol. Much speed is the primary cause of accident.
      Drivers have different visual perception capabilities to tract promptly to conditions requiring positive action
      The major driver characteristics considered are:
      1. Reaction time: this is the period of time, which elapses from the period the eye of a driver registers a sene to the time muscular reaction occurs.
      2. perception time: this is the period of the much elapses before reaction time begins. AASHO recommends combined reaction plus perception time tobe2.5 sec and can be taken as 3 sec in complex situations.
      This is a quick type of surveyor rapid examination of the ground and its adjacent natural features usually made with out survey instruments to limit the alternate route in terms of cost tone or two.
      In the cause of this project, there reconnaissance survey was carried out in order to obtain a first hand view of the road by walking through the length of the road thereby having a clear picture of the entire roadway. This is also helped in determining the most suitable way of carrying out the project economically in time and energy. During the process of reconnaissance, survey stations were chosen and marked.

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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    • ABSRACT - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]This thesis on a project undertaken by the author is aimed at providing explanation of the basic theory of the work of road design and its associated activities also, to cover practical methods of working.In pursuit of the meaningful completion this project a lot of investigation was embarked with principles and practice of road construction. The total distance of route was determined and stations established bearing in mind the intervisibility of the stations.Leveling was carried out to obtain ... Continue reading---