• The Impact Of Staff Customer Relationship On Organizational Image

  • ABSRACT -- [Total Page(s) 1]

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    • Since the abstract is a précised summary of what is actually done in a project it then means that the following information should be contained there in. The topic under study location. The statement of problem the research questions and research hypothesis also carried out relevant literature review of the topic under study for purpose of carry out this study a questionnaire was designed with concrete validity and reliability.
      Relevant data were collected from the respondents and analyzed accordingly. The following key findings were made and relevant recommendations put forward. Based on the topic the impact of staff-customer relationship on an organizational image, A case study of UBA PLC Enugu metropolis.

  • ABSRACT -- [Total Page(s) 1]

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    • CHAPTER ONE - [ Total Page(s): 2 ]BACKGROUND OF THE STUDYThe staff customer relationship is a contractual relationship staff are the most important channel of communication the outsider’s opinion of the organization will be based almost entirely on the staff he knows or encounters and where by the employee is inefficient or surly the will be his (i.e. customers) image  of the organization On the other hand in any business   where products or service are sold or rendered the customer is the key success many year ago, one of ... Continue reading---