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    • ABSRACT - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]ABSTRACTThis project “Extraction of oil from a local seed (groundnut oil) and Characterization” was carried out using ten cups of groundnut seeds that was purchased from a local market in Enugu metropolis.  The oil these seeds were in Enugu using solvent extraction method.  Two different solvents were used in the extraction namely: Ethane and order to compare their yield, physical and chemical properties.The extraction was carried out using 32og of size-reduced groundnut with 100ml of 17-hexane while 1.5litres a 15ooml of ethanol was used on 480g of size reduced groundnut seeds.  Ta the ... Continue Reading


      CHAPTER ONE - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]INTRODUCTIONExtraction other-wise called leaching is the preferential solution of one or more constituents of a solid mixture by contact with a liquid solvent.  This unit operation, one of the oldest in the chemical industries, here been given many names, depending to some extent upon the technique used for carrying it out extraction of oil form groundnut seeds can be carried out using any of the two solid-liquid extraction methods namely: mechanical extraction method or the used of solvent other- wise called mass-transfer method. The yield of the second method is higher but contains more imp ... Continue Reading