A Comparative Study Of Chemical And Microwave Synthesized Activated Carborn From Corn Cob
CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 2]
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Recently, microwave has been widely used in preparation and regeneration
of activated carbon. The main difference between microwave devices and
conventional heating systems is heating pattern. In microwave device,
the energy is directly supplied to the carbon bed. The conversion of
microwave energy is not by conduction or convection as in conventional
heating, but by dipole rotation and ionic conduction inside the
particles (Jones, 2002). Therefore, the treatment time can be
significantly reduced through microwave heating.
recent years, increasing awareness of environmental impact of organic
and inorganic compounds has prompted the purification of waste water
prior to discharge into natural waters. A number of conventional
treatment technologies have been considered for treatment of waste water
contaminated with organic substance. Among them, the adsorption process
has been found to be the most effective method while activated carbon
is regarded as the most effective material for controlling this organic
load. Common active carbons available are usually developed by
thermochemical means using activating agents and heating ovens, thus
producing activated carbons which take a longer time with limited pore
structures. With the advent of microwave technology, a better and
efficient activated carbon can be produced within a short period and a
cheaper cost.
1.3 OBJECTIVE OF THE RESEARCH The aim of this research
project is to determine and compare the performance of chemically and
microwave synthesized activated carbon from corn cob. 1.4 SIGNIFICANCE
OF THE RESEARCH When this research project is successfully completed, it
will provide the following benefits: i. Corn cobs are abundant in
Nigeria. ii. Encourage the establishment of industries that will use
Agricultural waste materials to produce activated carbon. iii. It will
create job opportunities, thereby reducing unemployment in the country.
iv. It will attract foreign exchange for Nigeria as activated carbon has very wide industrial applications.
SCOPE OF RESEARCH This research work focuses on the following: i.
Preparation of activated carbon from corn cob by thermal and microwave
means ii. Comparative study of the adsorption capacities of chemically
and microwave synthesized activated carbon.
CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 2]
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