• Analysis Of Bush Pear And Its Oil

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      The generic name “Dacryodes” was derived from the Greek word “Dakruon” meaning [tear] referring to resin droplets on the bank surface of its member while “Edulis” means edible emphasizing the importance of nutrients fruits in the plants cultivation .The plant belongs to the family Burseraceae whose members are characterized by an ovary of 2to 5 cells, prominent as inducts in the bark, wood, and intrasteminal disk (Chunduff, 1984). The genus Dacryodes consist of about 10 species (Verheji, 2002). However (Rehn, 1984) indicated 80 species to encompass sub species of varieties, form and cultivars. Two varieties are recognized; Var-parvicarpa and Var-edulis whose conical fruit is smaller with the pulp. Var-edulis exhibit verticulate or sub-verticulate branching while the branching is slender and opposite or bifurcate in var-parvicarpa (Okafor et.al 1983).
      Dacryodesedulis is an indigenous fruit in the Gulf of Guinea and central African countries(Troupin, 1950), but due to the popularity of the nutritious fruit for consumption, the plant is widely cultivated, extend its area of distribution to Sierra-Leone, Uganda, Angola, Zimbabwe and Nigeria. It rarely grows wild, thus the natural area of distribution is obscure (verheji,2002). Lam gave four synonyms viz to the Dacryodesedulis :CarnaruimedulieHook.f, CarnaruimsaphuEngl, Pachylobusedulis (G.don) Hook. F. and PachylobussaphuEngl (Burkill ,1985,National research council,1996).
      However, these synonyms have long been considered as the most unambiguous synonyms (Boutelje,1980).The common names are in English, African pear, African pear tree, Bush butter, Bush butter tree, Bush fruit tree, Eben tree, Native pear (Kapseu and Tchiegang, 1996) and in French, Safoutier (Burkill, 1985). The oil of fruits of DacryodesEdulis is a rich source of amino acids and triglycerides. The fatty acid composition of fruit pulp oil of two cultivars of bush pear [cultivar1 and cultivar2] grown in Nigeria were determined. The oil is found in the pulp which is made up of 48% of oil and a plantation can produce 7.8 tons of oil per hectare. It is also rich in vitamins and a rich source of amino acids triglycerides (Derbyshire.et al 1976).
      Bush pear oil is one of the most important rated versatile vegetable oil. This is due to its uses in various spheres of life, most especially as a very healthy food ingredient.
      This project is aimed at the analysis of bush pear and its oil.The main objective of this study is to carry out proximate analysis and physio-chemical properties of African pear oil extracted by solvent methods. This physio-chemical properties determined are specific gravity, refractive index, ph value, boiling point, acid value, iodine value, peroxide value, and saponification value. To achieve the objectives of this project, it is important to:-
      a) Select the best suited solvent for optimum yield.
      b) Characterize the extracted oil for compositions and properties.
      c) Test the suitability of the oil.

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    • ABSRACT - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]The research project studies the analysis of pear and its oil. The mesocarp from edible African pear “DacryodesEdulis” were evaluated for their oil yield. The pulp from this pear were oven dried at 100oC-105oC to a moisture content level of 29%.The mesocarp was subjected to proximate analysis to determine the percentage of the moisture, ash, fat, crude fibre, crude protein and carbohydrate content which resulted to the values of 29%, 2%, 19.6%, 25.5%, 11.9%, and 12% respe ... Continue reading---