• Analysis Of Bush Pear And Its Oil

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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      This research work involves the analysis of African pear and its oil though the food crop African pear potential is rated one of the highest oil producing fruit crop yet it begs the question of its potential.
      Furthermore, this project will answer the following questions;
      i) Solvent extraction by solvent method
      ii) What is the optimum yield of the particle size using n- hexane?
      iii) Is there significant difference in the characterization of the extracted oil as compared to theoretical value in terms of;
      1) Chemical properties (Acid value, iodine value, saponification value and peroxide value).
      2) Physical properties (specific gravity, density, viscosity, refractive index).
      3) Chemical composition (protein crude, fibre, carbohydrate and moisture.
      Characterizing the potentials of African pear/African pear oil for many purposes has several implications. Communities in the West African countries are significantly dependent on financial gain from agrarian enterprise.
      It is hope that from the project, optimum extraction parameters which are quality of the oil would be established, the result would add to the data bank that could help potential industrialist who intends to go into vegetable table oil production from African pear. A crop that experiences a post harvest loss in excess of 40% in areas where malnutrition is prevalent is a problem for potentials to reclaim the lost percentage of either food or other purposes is advantageous for producers and consumers alike.
      Furthermore, the development of crops with indigenous appeal can strengthen the agricultural and energy sectors of struggling economics, identifying the oils fuels quantities, whether favorable or not, will help to inform future crop and industry development.
      In this project work, we intend to analyze and extract completely African pear and its oil. Many research work has been done in giving a detailed composition found in African pear. But this research account on the optimum route to:
      i) Extraction of vegetable oil from bush pear.
      ii) Separation of pure oil from the solvent.
      iii) Characterization of the African pear.
      iv) Characterization of the oil extracted.
      Due to the low yield of the above method (mechanical method) of extraction, soxhlet and cold method of extraction are used i.e. solvent extraction.
  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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    • ABSRACT - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]The research project studies the analysis of pear and its oil. The mesocarp from edible African pear “DacryodesEdulis” were evaluated for their oil yield. The pulp from this pear were oven dried at 100oC-105oC to a moisture content level of 29%.The mesocarp was subjected to proximate analysis to determine the percentage of the moisture, ash, fat, crude fibre, crude protein and carbohydrate content which resulted to the values of 29%, 2%, 19.6%, 25.5%, 11.9%, and 12% respe ... Continue reading---