• The Cost Of Gasoline And The Negative Effect

  • CHAPTER TWO -- [Total Page(s) 1]

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      A & C Conversion Kit
          A & C kits comes with a “zero governor” that acts as its own shut-off device. Think of the engine regulator as a glass of milk and rubber hose from the regulator as a drinking straw. If you put a straw into a glass of milk, up the straw. That is how the zero governor functions. When the engine is running and air is passing through the carburetor or adapter, the fuel is drawn out of the regulator through the rubber hose. When the engine stops the gas stops.
      The national code states that this is acceptable for engine use out of doors and help or less the do not have a distributor cap (which is basically all small engines) over 12hp you have to use an additional l;ock off device on matter which, if you have electric start on your engine you could add RSK-LP to the A & C kit and then they would be acceptable up to 23hp. But for all engines all type I thought 4 kits. The same carburetor and adpter components. Are used in both type I thought 4 and A & C kits the only difference is just the engine regulator that changes and the association parts.
      The A Kit are dedicated low pressure propane and natural gas and require drilling the carburetor. The C kits are tri fuel that use an adpter installed between the carburetor and the air cleaner and do not require drilling the a push pin primer (purge pin) for purging and priming as a standard feature. No mounting bracket is needed for the regulator it has two mounting lugs will allow it to fit on just about any generator by drilling two “14” hole in the frame there are also the threaded hole underneath for bottom mounting the engine regulator has ¾ “FNPT, female fuel inlet, mounting lungs and mounting hardware, fuel delivery for use at the carburetor, hose, damps and other fittings complete, operation.
      The type 1 through kits utilize a heavy industrial type engine regulator with an internal idle circuit (this idle circuit which as adjustable idle fuwl screw is need mostly for engines that have true through control like a pedal operated through or lawn mower) and an additional vacuum safety shut-off device right inside vacuum from the engine opens the lock-off to start the fuel to rum and stop the fuel when the engine stops.

  • CHAPTER TWO -- [Total Page(s) 1]

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    • ABSRACT - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]ABSTRACT COMING SOON ... Continue reading---


      CHAPTER ONE - [ Total Page(s): 2 ]Filter Lock    Combination fuel fitter and safety-offFuel ControllerCommon term used to describe a unit which contain an atmospheric zero governors.Fuel Filter     Unit placed in a fuel line to remove dirt and rust picked from the tank or service fittingsHeavy Ends    This is a residue picked up by propane from lubricated values and compressors. It will sometimes collect inside the fuel controller where the pressure is sub-atmosphere.Idle Plate    A template inserted between the carb ... Continue reading---


      CHAPTER THREE - [ Total Page(s): 3 ]SPRING A well coiled spring of about 1.5mm thickness helps conversion kit to open and close the gas inlet and outlet and allow the gas to escape through the controllers to the engine.GASKETGasket helps in the A&C conversion kit to be out tight, it those not allow the escape of gas inside the controller.BOTTS: M5 and M10 bolts were used for the tightening of the conversion kits.GAS INLET NIPPLE: A stainless material at the bank of the kit that allows the entry of gas to the controller.GAS OUTLET ... Continue reading---


      CHAPTER FOUR - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]CHAPTER FOURHOW TO CONVERT PORTABLE GENERATOR TO PROPANE GAS 4.1    ADVANTAGE OF RUNNING HOME GENERATOR ON PROPANE GAS     There are many advantages in running home generator on propane gas. Propane burns cleaner than gasoline, it does not leave carbon deposits on the engine and plugs. You can also start the generator at idle, instead of full throttle, because propane is already a gas, it does not break down as it sits, so it would not gurn up to fuel system.4.2    HOW TO INSTALL A PROP ... Continue reading---


      CHAPTER FIVE - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]CHAPTER FIVE CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION 5.1 CONCLUSION     In the designing and fabrication of this project, titled design and fabrication of generator conversion kit using aluminum material. The design is economic and technological soundness when taking into consideration, the durability and the behavior of the material used under the application were also put into consideration. 5.2    RECOMMENDATI0N     To provide lasting solution to a particular problem through course work and pr ... Continue reading---