Effect Of Particle Size On Oil Yield Using Scent Bean Seed (‘ozaki’).
This project was done to extract and characterize bean oil according to their particle sizes. The experiment was carried out using scent bean (i.e. ‘Ozaki’, ‘Ijilizi’or ‘Azamu’) as sample. The oils were extracted by solvent extraction /leaching extraction using n-hexane. Proximate analysis was carried out to obtain percentage moisture content, ash content, total oil content, protein content and carbohydrate content of the extracted oils. From observation, it was noticed that as the diameter of the sieve decreased, the quantity of oil obtained increased
CHAPTER ONE - [ Total Page(s): 3 ]Modern processing of vegetable oils yields valuable products such as
oleo chemicals. Oleo chemicals are now largely being used in the
manufacture of many industrial products, namely building auxiliaries,
candles, detergents and cleaning agents, cosmetics, fire-extinguishing
agents, flotation agents, food emulsifiers, insecticides, lubricants,
paints, paper, medicine and chemicals. The meal or cake is used in the
formulation and preparation of livestock feeds and food additives.The
... Continue reading---
CHAPTER ONE - [ Total Page(s): 3 ]Modern processing of vegetable oils yields valuable products such as
oleo chemicals. Oleo chemicals are now largely being used in the
manufacture of many industrial products, namely building auxiliaries,
candles, detergents and cleaning agents, cosmetics, fire-extinguishing
agents, flotation agents, food emulsifiers, insecticides, lubricants,
paints, paper, medicine and chemicals. The meal or cake is used in the
formulation and preparation of livestock feeds and food additives.The
... Continue reading---
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