Effect Of Particle Size On Oil Yield Using Scent Bean Seed (‘ozaki’).
CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]
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Modern processing of vegetable oils yields valuable products such as
oleo chemicals. Oleo chemicals are now largely being used in the
manufacture of many industrial products, namely building auxiliaries,
candles, detergents and cleaning agents, cosmetics, fire-extinguishing
agents, flotation agents, food emulsifiers, insecticides, lubricants,
paints, paper, medicine and chemicals. The meal or cake is used in the
formulation and preparation of livestock feeds and food additives.
production of oil plants takes third place in the world production in
terms of value, after starchy plants and fruits, and ahead of beverages
and stimulants. Edible seeds and nuts noted for their oil contents
include palm nut, coconut, soya bean, olive, groundnut, sunflower seed,
and cottonseed, while non-edible seeds and nuts include jatropha seed,
neem seed, and castor bean. Moreover, bean oil has strengthened its
dominant role among fats and oils produced based on its quality and
nutritional grade. Bean oil contains linoleic, oleic and linoleic acids
that are found in many plant oils. Shortage of these fatty acids leads
to deficiency symptoms especially in growing children and animals. Bean
oil has the highest content of lecithin (1.1-3.2%) which is a
surface-active compound used as an emulsifier in the food and
pharmaceutical industries, and other industries (Sigmund and Gustav,
Among the industries that use oils and fats from oilseeds,
apart from the food industry, are the beauty, pharmaceuticals,
aromatherapies, building and construction, and the petroleum industry.
1.2. Problem Statement
plants have been identified as sources of oil, with some of the plant
species and their oil extracted and used as medicines and food. However,
very few of these species have their oil characteristics determined.
of the high demand of oils for various purposes including medicinal,
perfumery, soap making, insecticides et al. Imported oils are very
expensive to meet the demands of our local consumer industries;
therefore, it becomes necessary to source and synthesize these oils
locally. Since these oils can be produced locally, it gives no reason
for their importation or at least should reduce the rate at which these
oils are imported and give attention to local production.
CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]
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ABSRACT - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]This project was done to extract and characterize bean oil according to their particle sizes. The experiment was carried out using scent bean (i.e. ‘Ozaki’, ‘Ijilizi’or ‘Azamu’) as sample. The oils were extracted by solvent extraction /leaching extraction using n-hexane. Proximate analysis was carried out to obtain percentage moisture content, ash content, total oil content, protein content and carbohydrate content of the extracted oils. From observation, i ... Continue reading---