Design And Implement A Computerized Drug Information Management System Drug Procurement And Distribution Tracking System
CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]
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1.2 STATEMENT OF PROBLEM Drug procurement, tracking, distribution and
information management in this regard are routine processes carried out
in various hospitals across Nigeria. It is a common place to observe
that these routine processes are still preformed manually or are
minimally computerized even in our Teaching Hospitals. This manual
approach to these routine operations has a lot of problems associated
with it, ranging from poor handling of drug data of patients, lack of
good storage information system for drugs and drug dispensary, delays,
to the difficulty in retrieving information on drugs and patients’
records. In view of all these problems, it becomes necessary to develop a
computer based drug information management system and distribution
tracking system. This is what this research project is set to address by
computerizing the routine processes in our hospitals and in particular
that of Pharmacy Department of UNTH Enugu.
STUDY The aim of this research project is to design and implement a
computerized drug information management system, drug procurement and
distribution tracking system. This includes:
(i). To order for drugs without mistake of procuring more than required.
(ii). To take good stock of drugs.
(iii). To prevent dispensary of expired drugs
(iv). To ensure accurate keeping of records of drugs
1.4 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY The benefits derivable from this work include the following:
(i) It will provide reliable healthcare services.
(ii) It will guarantee hospital management and patients of genuine and safe drugs.
(iii) It will ensure an efficient and standard drug dispensary system.
(iv) It will provide a data base for stock taking of drugs procured and dispensed any moment.
SCOPE OF THE STUDY This research work will cover only the
Pharmaceutical Department of the University of Nigerian Teaching
Hospital (UNTH) Enugu. It will present an up to date and comprehensive
design of the following:
(i) Planning and control system which includes inventory control and drug distribution
(ii) Drug procurement procedure in a hospital.
(iii) The expiry status of each drugs at any point in time
(iv) The Database of all kinds, types and names of some drugs that would be store and operate on.
ASSUMPTION It is assumed that all the information gathered with the
respect to inventory control is correct as implemented by the university
of Nigerian teaching hospital (UNTH) Enugu.
CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]
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ABSRACT - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]Drug procurement and distribution tracking system is a set of computer programs that obtains the supplies of drugs, distribute the drugs and monitors the inventory control of the drugs. Using the pharmaceutical department of Port Harcourt University teaching hospital as a case study, the department using manual method to operate lacks good storage of information system for drugs. Recording system tends to be complex and the method of tracking expired drug is poor. The good approach to this probl ... Continue reading---