• The Kinetic Study On Hydrolysis Of Cellulose (saw-dust)

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    • Cellulose forms very tightly packed crystallites, these crystals are sometimes so tight that neither water nor enzymes can penetrate them; cellulose consists of two cellulose molecules; Crystalline and amorphous cellulose. The crystalline cellulose is insoluble because of the inability of water to penetrate cellulose, On the other hand amorphous cellulose allows the penetration of endogluconase, another subgroup of cellulose that catalyze the hydrolysis of internal bonds. The natural consequences of this difference in the crystalline structure is that the hydrolysis rate is much faster for amorphous cellulose than crystalline cellulose.
      Some cellulose comes from the hairs (trichomes) on seeds, example: cotton, kapo and milk weed. A commercial bacterial cellulose product (cellulon) was introduced by Weyerhaeuser(22) for use in foods, the product is called primacel and is available from Nutrasweet kelco. Recently, cellulose from sugar belt pulp and from citrus pulp has aroused interest for use as a fat substitute.
      1.3 HYDROLYSIS
      Hydrolysis of cellulose is the process of breaking the glucosidic bonds that holds the glucose basic units together to form a large cellulose molecule, it is a term used to describe the overall process where cellulose is converted into various sweeteners. Hydrolysis is a chemical reaction during which one or more water molecules are split into hydrogen and hydroxide ions, which may go to participate in further reactions.
      1.4 SUGAR
      Sugars (also called saccharides) are compounds containing an aldehyde or ketone group and two or more hydroxyl groups. Sugar can also a sweet crystalline substance obtained from sugar-cane and sugar beet. It includes sucrose, glucose and fructose.
      The clamour for the diversification of Nigerian economy through low quality products has motivated researchers to explore the numerous domestic, industrial and economic importance of one Nigeria`s major product (cellulose) which forms the bedrock of this project.
      Sugar is a commodity of high demand for both domestic and industrial applications on daily basis in homes, small and medium scale industries e.t.c. this is why Nigeria government spends huge sums of money on importation of sugar and sugar products to meet the demand of citizens. Among the many processes of sugar production, is acid hydrolysis of (cellulose) has proved to be a process which encourages the production of high quality with minimum skill and materials. This work is therefore an effort to encourage industrialists, researchers, and students to carry out more intensive studies on production of sugar from cellulose for production of sugar and enhanced economic resources for the nation.

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    • ABSRACT - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]This research project studied on the kinetics of hydrolysis of cellulose to glucose. The steps employed to achieve this project involved extraction of cellulose from sawdust and subsequently, hydrolysis of starch to simple sugar. This was followed by glucose analysis. Different experiments were conducted during acid hydrolysis to study the various acids on the hydrolysis of cellulose to glucose. The saw-dust was extracted from the wood by grinding using saw. The process used in the hydrolysis wa ... Continue reading---