• The Suitable Industrial Application Of Kaolin

  • CHAPTER THREE -- [Total Page(s) 5]

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      Kaolin samples were collected from two different locations namely: kpankorogi and ijero Ekiti.
      Kpankorogi in Edu local government area of Kwara State is located in northern part of Kwara state on latitude 08052’38-6’’N and longitude 04059’55.5’’E at 72KM distance from Ilorin. The Kpankorogi area enjoys tropical climate marked by alternating raining and dry season and a mean annual rainfall of 900mm with relative humidity of about 40 percent forest tropical weathering.
      The second study area is located on charnockitic bedrock, Ijero-Ekiti Kaolin site where sample B was obtained. It is located in Ijero-Ekiti Local Gorvernment Area Ekiti State on 07049149.0511 Northing and 0050 031 26.711 Easting. The site is 4kilometer away from Ijero-Ekiti Police Station. Ijero-Ekiti enjoys tropical climate market by alternating raining and dry seasons. The annual temperature ranging from 280c to 300c and a mean annual rainfall of 1500mm with high relative humidity of about 75percent favours tropical weathering.
      Kaolin samples are collected from two different deposits Kpankorogi, Edu local government area in Kwara state and Ijero Ekiti, Ijero Ekiti local government area, Ekiti state.
      The sampling points were appropriately located using G.P.S device. During the collection of the samples, digger and shovel were used while polythene bags were used to keep the moisture content of the samples constant. The collected samples were appropriately labeled and sent to National Geosciences Research Laboratory Agency (NGRLA), Kaduna, and the University of Ilorin Engineering Geology Laboratory for determination of chemical and engineering properties respectively.     
      The most common way of expressing the amount of water in soil is the water content. The water content, also called the moisture content, is given the symbol w and is ration of the amount of water to the amount of dry solids.
            Four aluminum cups were marked and then weighed. Representative samples of the wet soil sample A and Sample B were placed in the cups and weighed to determine the weight of wet clay plus cup. They were then placed in the oven for a period of 24 hours (2 aluminum cup for each kaolin sample) at a temperature of 100+5c to a constant weight. After weight were removed from the oven, leave for 10min then weight the content to obtain the weight of cups plus dry sample.
           The different between the weight of the moist clay samples and weight of dry samples from the oven in the weight of water. The water content percentage is the weight of water to weight of dry sample multiply by 100.
      Moisture content container, oven and weighting balance.
  • CHAPTER THREE -- [Total Page(s) 5]

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    • ABSRACT - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]ABSTRACT COMING HERE SOON ... Continue reading---


      CHAPTER ONE - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]CHAPTER ONE1.0   INTRODUCTION       Kaolin is a clay rock and part of the group of industrial mineral with the chemical composition (Al2Si205 (OH)4.It is a layered silicate mineral with one tetrahedral sheet linked through oxygen atoms to one octahedral sheet alumina i.e. structurally composed of silicate sheet (Si2O¬5) bonded to aluminum oxide/hydroxide layer Al2 (OH)4 called gibbsite layers and repeating layer of the mineral are hydrogen bonded together. (Rost, 1992; Bish, 1993; Kle ... Continue reading---


      CHAPTER TWO - [ Total Page(s): 2 ]CHAPTER TWO2.0    LITERATURE REVIEW2.1    BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY The importance of kaolin is remarkable as one of the most abundant clay rock in soil and sediments, its properties are such that it interacts with other soil element to contribute to the mechanical stability of the soil column (Huertas et al, 1999; Chen et al., 2000).            Kaolin is a layered clay rock and product of advanced weathering process. One layer of the clay consists of an alumina octahedral shut an ... Continue reading---


      CHAPTER FOUR - [ Total Page(s): 4 ] ... Continue reading---


      CHAPTER FIVE - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]CHAPTER FIVE5.0    CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION5.1    CONCLUSIONCompositional features and industrial applications of Kpankorogi and ijero Ekiti kaolin clay were analysed   based on mineralogy, Chemical composition and physical characteristics of the deposits. This is with the view to determining its suitability as industrial raw material. From the study, it is Obtained that kpankorogi kaolin clay deposit is predominantly Quartz but with high SiO2 and Al2O3 contents, while ijero Ekiti k ... Continue reading---


      REFRENCES - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]REFERENCESAderiye, J.(2005). Development of firebricks for furnances. M.Sc. Thesis, Acta 60 (4), 553–564. ADONDUA, S (1988). Indigenous Refractory Raw Materials Base for Nigerian Steel Industry Journal of the Nigerian Society of Chemical Engineers (NSCHE), (7): 2, pp. 322-327. Aliyu, A. (1996): Potentials of the Solid Minerals Industry in Nigeria Abuja: RMDC. Pp. 1-40, 63 – 83, 164 – 172 Aref, A. (2009): Characterization and Evaluation of Alga Deposit of Yemen.Bailey S.W. ... Continue reading---