Density can be defined as the mass
of the soil divided by its volume. Bulk density is the ratio of the
weight of representative wet sample to the volume of the mould
containing it, so it is dependent on the amount of minerals and water
present. It is expressed mathematically as follow as; v=W/v
Where V = bulk density
W=weight of representative wet sample
V= volume of mould
cylinder of known volume and open at both ends is hammer into the
kaolin horizon completely. This is done to get the in situ sample of
sample A and Sample B. Then, remove the cylinder from the pit and take
it to the laboratory where it is weighted.
The weight of the sample
is then deducted from the weight of the cylinder and the clay and then
divide the resultant value with the volume of the cylinder.
Cylinder weighting balance, Dry Pan and Hammer.
gravity of kaolin is taken to be the mass of a given volume of
materials to the mass of an equal volume of water. It indicates the
average value of clay grains.
Alternatively, specific gravity of clay
may define as the ratio of the unit mass of solid (mass of solid
divided by volume of solids) in the clay to unit mass of water at 4oc.
Gs= Ms/V
Where Ms =mass of solid (g)
Vs=volume of solid (cm3)
Pw= unit mass of water (1g/cm3)
To compute the void ratio of the kaolin sample the specific gravity is very important. It is also used in conjunctions with bulk density to known the weight of the soil and also in hydrometer analysis.
In the laboratory, specific gravity can be obtains as follows.
The density bottle (including its stopper) was first
properly dry to remove any water from it then weighted clay sample was
added, this give (W2).
Next water is added to the sample in the
bottle, up to 2/3 of is volume, then sake bottle vigorously to expel air
from the sample then fill the bottle with water and allow the stopper
to displace excess water this gives (W3). The mixture of clay plus water
after weighting was poured away, the bottle was well rinsed and filled
with ordinary water and find and weighted to give (w1). This is show
Gr = (W2-W1)
W1 = weight of empty density bottle
W2 =weight of bottle of clay
W3 = weight of bottle + clay sample +water
size of clay refers to the diameter of the clay particles making up the
soil mass. Grain size analysis therefore is an attempt to determine the
particle size of the clay, which is expressed as the percentage of the
different size fractions present, and the relative proportion are also
Base on the grain size classification and the
identification different types of clay can be achieve and depending on
the grain sizes the potential of individual soil sample is known and are
appropriately utilized for engineering purposes.
There are basically
two types of analyses involve in grain size analyses. These are the
mechanical method i.e. sieve method and the hydrometer methods.