The Suitable Industrial Application Of Kaolin
CHAPTER THREE -- [Total Page(s) 5]
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This is the moisture content below which the clay behaves as non- plastic. It is in the range of water content between liquid limit and shrinkage limit that the clay behaves as a plastic material. Plastic limit can also be defined as the water content at which a soil which willed to a diameter of 3mm will just crumble (Bowles, 1978).
Plasticity is depends on the mineral composition of the clay and grain of the sample thus resulting in varied plasticity of clay. All these determine to a large extent on the amount that must be added to change a clay sample from its plastic state to liquid is an indication of the plasticity of the clay. Hence, different clay sample exhibit different district plasticity index.
All these are based on the fact that clay rock would behave differently in plastic limit determination; clay rock contains minerals that absorb water easily while the gravelly mineral contains lesser content of such minerals.
Weighting balance, oven, flat plate, sample can, and Desiccators.
20g of sample was sieved through with a diameter of 0.063mm. The clay was poured on the flat plate glass and water added carefully to it. It was then mixed until it became homogenous and plastic enough to be shaped into a ball; small portion of sample was then rolled with the palm of the hand until the clay thread began to show obvious signs of crumbling portion for water content determination.
The procedure was repeated three more times and the average water content was taken, this is the plastic limit. SHRINKAGE LIMIT
The linear shrinkage limit test is concerned with the change in length when clay sample are oven dried at 105oc for 24hours.This is done by placing a representative clay sample of known water content in a trough of known length. The length of trough is the length of the clay water mixture: from here, one can say the linear shrinkage test is performed in order to obtain a qualitative of how much change in moisture can occur before any appropriate change in volume occur (Bowels, 1978).
X-ray diffraction can be done on a number of different kinds of samples. The ideal sample will be a crystalline powder that has been passed into a the sample holder, have a smooth of 45°degree solid samples, small volumes of sample taped an microscope slides glass or thin ohms, deposited on a subs tract can also be used, but will have varying degree of effectiveness’. The more the crystalline the more sample will the better result by lowering the intensity of the beam from 40kN and 40mA to 30kN and 30mA.
The x-ray diffraction is part of the MSE cost center. The log must be filled out, it is recommended that this be done before and beginning a measurement as not to forget before the analysis will commence, the following should be observe:
Read through the procedure before starting.
Check the clam light on the right hand instrument.
Fill out x-ray diffraction log spread sheet on desktop.
Procedures for carryout X-ray diffraction in as follow:
Load the sample
(a) Pressed open the door if the instrument (door should not yank open)
(b) Gently the door will slide open.
(c) Install the sample by holding it in place with one hand and with the other hand close the door locked.(if the position of the detection and sample stage are at uncomfortable angles, the devices in x-ray diffraction commander be more.
(d) Verify the silts in the anti- scattering and detector position (the silt size will be write down).To removed silts, carefully slide them out of their enclosure to replace, slide the silt and place with the beveled.
(e) Carefully slide doors together and gently but firmly press handles into interlock. (If the door is slammed shutting or if the handle don’t go into the interlock properly the safety circles, will trigger and shutdown the generator.
The care should be taken when open and closing the door of instrument.
On the computer expand X.R.D commander and raise power if necessary as follows:
Step 1: upon increments of 10voltage to 30sec between steps until 40voltage is reached
Step 2: milt from 5-10, then increment 10current until 40current is reached. Do not start a scan before completing this step.
Be sure that the live and requested voltage and current match before starting to ramping power.
On the x-ray diffraction commander shutter and x-ray be turn off.
For a quick scan
(a) In x-ray diffraction commander adjust tab at the bottom of the page, input scan parameter start and end 2g. The limits are 0-130-2g.
(b) Step size (for quick scan 0.5-0.1.2g)
(c) Star scan.
X-ray diffraction let us known about structure of the specimen (sample). It is versatile, non destructive method that reveals detailed information about the chemical composition, crystallographic and microscopic of all types of natural and manufactured materials. This technique is employed in sectors including materials research, university and colleges, building materials metals, minerals, plastic, pharmaceuticals and semi conductors. (Brady, et, al 1995).
CHAPTER THREE -- [Total Page(s) 5]
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ABSRACT - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]ABSTRACT COMING HERE SOON ... Continue reading---
CHAPTER ONE - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]CHAPTER ONE1.0 INTRODUCTION Kaolin is a clay rock and part of the group of industrial mineral with the chemical composition (Al2Si205 (OH)4.It is a layered silicate mineral with one tetrahedral sheet linked through oxygen atoms to one octahedral sheet alumina i.e. structurally composed of silicate sheet (Si2O¬5) bonded to aluminum oxide/hydroxide layer Al2 (OH)4 called gibbsite layers and repeating layer of the mineral are hydrogen bonded together. (Rost, 1992; Bish, 1993; Kle ... Continue reading---
CHAPTER TWO - [ Total Page(s): 2 ]CHAPTER TWO2.0 LITERATURE REVIEW2.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY The importance of kaolin is remarkable as one of the most abundant clay rock in soil and sediments, its properties are such that it interacts with other soil element to contribute to the mechanical stability of the soil column (Huertas et al, 1999; Chen et al., 2000). Kaolin is a layered clay rock and product of advanced weathering process. One layer of the clay consists of an alumina octahedral shut an ... Continue reading---
CHAPTER FOUR - [ Total Page(s): 4 ] ... Continue reading---
CHAPTER FIVE - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]CHAPTER FIVE5.0 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION5.1 CONCLUSIONCompositional features and industrial applications of Kpankorogi and ijero Ekiti kaolin clay were analysed based on mineralogy, Chemical composition and physical characteristics of the deposits. This is with the view to determining its suitability as industrial raw material. From the study, it is Obtained that kpankorogi kaolin clay deposit is predominantly Quartz but with high SiO2 and Al2O3 contents, while ijero Ekiti k ... Continue reading---
REFRENCES - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]REFERENCESAderiye, J.(2005). Development of firebricks for furnances. M.Sc. Thesis, Acta 60 (4), 553–564. ADONDUA, S (1988). Indigenous Refractory Raw Materials Base for Nigerian Steel Industry Journal of the Nigerian Society of Chemical Engineers (NSCHE), (7): 2, pp. 322-327. Aliyu, A. (1996): Potentials of the Solid Minerals Industry in Nigeria Abuja: RMDC. Pp. 1-40, 63 – 83, 164 – 172 Aref, A. (2009): Characterization and Evaluation of Alga Deposit of Yemen.Bailey S.W. ... Continue reading---