The Suitable Industrial Application Of Kaolin
Compositional features and industrial applications of Kpankorogi and ijero Ekiti kaolin clay were analysed based on mineralogy, Chemical composition and physical characteristics of the deposits. This is with the view to determining its suitability as industrial raw material. From the study, it is Obtained that kpankorogi kaolin clay deposit is predominantly Quartz but with high SiO2 and Al2O3 contents, while ijero Ekiti kaolin clay deposit is predominantly orthoclase with high SiO2 and Al2O3 contents.
We can therefore, conclude that both the kpankorogi and Ijero- Ekiti kaolin deposits can only be used in industrially if beneficiated, because they do not completely meet all the required specifications in their industrial form.
In other to have the best quality products and become one of the nations with high quality products, chemical, mineralogical and reliable geotechnical data on every mineral resource should be made available. This will go a long way to reduce importation and increase the standard of our indigenous or local industrial products in view of this the following recommendations are made:
1. Further work should be carried out on the engineering properties while the reserve estimation of these deposits should be done to ascertain the commercial potential of the deposits.
2. Government of Nigeria should sensitize various industries on the numerous industrial applications of kaolin through their agencies Such as Raw Material Research and Development Council and others, so as to encourage mining and the use of kaolin.
3. Fund should also be made available for extensive research work on kaolin.
4. Favorable environment should be provided for local and foreign investors in raw materials (kaolin inclusive) development.
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CHAPTER FIVE -- [Total Page(s) 1]
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CHAPTER FIVE -- [Total Page(s) 1]
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