An Investigation Into Water Demand And Distribution In Ilorin West Local Government
ABSRACT - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]ABSTRACTThis project work examined the water demand and supply in Egbejila area of Ilorin west local government, Kwara State. The three main users of water focused upon in the study area are residential, commercial (block industry, hair salon, food canteen) and agricultural water use. Also, the three main sources of water available to the users i.e. borehole, pipe borne water and well water supplies were investigated to determine the effectiveness of these sources of water in meeting up with the ... Continue reading---
ABSRACT - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]ABSTRACTThis project work examined the water demand and supply in Egbejila area of Ilorin west local government, Kwara State. The three main users of water focused upon in the study area are residential, commercial (block industry, hair salon, food canteen) and agricultural water use. Also, the three main sources of water available to the users i.e. borehole, pipe borne water and well water supplies were investigated to determine the effectiveness of these sources of water in meeting up with the ... Continue reading---