An Investigation Into Water Demand And Distribution In Ilorin West Local Government
The role of water in modern society such as the urban centers of Nigeria cannot be over emphasized. People depend on good quality and quantity for drinking, recreation, and use in industry and for growing crops. This project work has analyzed the nature of water supply and demand in Egbejila area of Ilorin west local government, Kwara state. Field investigation showed that three sources of water are available in the study area. These are well, borehole and pipe water supply. Further analysis revealed that well and borehole are the two effective means of water supply in the study area due to the fact that almost 60% of the population in egbejila area make use of well water for activities that include cooking, washing and bathing while the remaining 40% make use of borehole for the activities that include cooking, washing, bathing and drinking due to the fact that the pipe borne water is no longer functioning.
The nature of water supply and demand in egbejila area is not encouraging due to the fact that demand has overtaken supply as the whole community depends on just one borehole as the only means of getting drinkable water every day. Also, well being the source of water for some household was able to meet their daily needs due to the fact that it supplies water throughout the year.
Based on the findings, the following recommendations were made:
(1) Provisions have to be made for pipe borne water which is not available in the study area.
(2) More boreholes should be provided by the state government for people in the community to gain easy access to drinkable water
(3) There should be constant repair of damage pipes and taps by the Ministry of Water Corporation in the study area.
ABSRACT - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]ABSTRACTThis project work examined the water demand and supply in Egbejila area of Ilorin west local government, Kwara State. The three main users of water focused upon in the study area are residential, commercial (block industry, hair salon, food canteen) and agricultural water use. Also, the three main sources of water available to the users i.e. borehole, pipe borne water and well water supplies were investigated to determine the effectiveness of these sources of water in meeting up with the ... Continue reading---
ABSRACT - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]ABSTRACTThis project work examined the water demand and supply in Egbejila area of Ilorin west local government, Kwara State. The three main users of water focused upon in the study area are residential, commercial (block industry, hair salon, food canteen) and agricultural water use. Also, the three main sources of water available to the users i.e. borehole, pipe borne water and well water supplies were investigated to determine the effectiveness of these sources of water in meeting up with the ... Continue reading---
CHAPTER FIVE -- [Total Page(s) 1]
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CHAPTER FIVE -- [Total Page(s) 1]
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