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    • ABSRACT - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]This study was intended to evaluate the effect of computer usage on academic performance of students. This study was guided by the following objectives; To examine the relationship between computer usage and academic achievement of secondary school students in Nigeria, To examine the effectiveness of computer usage in teaching and learning process in secondary schools in Nigeria, To identify the disadvantages of computer usage in secondary schools in Nigeria.The study employed the survey design; questionnaires in addition to library research were applied in order to collect data. Primary and s ... Continue Reading


      CHAPTER ONE - [ Total Page(s): 3 ]INTRODUCTION1.1 BACKGROUND TO THE STUDYDuring the last two decades education institutions have invested heavily in information and communication technologies (ICT) particularly computers. The use of computers has had a major impact in the secondary school context, and in teaching and learning methods (Ema and Ajayi, 2006).One puzzling question is the effective impact of these computers usage on student achievement and on the returns of education. Many academic researchers have tried to answer this question at the theoretical and empirical levels. According to Anyanwu (2003), they have faced tw ... Continue Reading