• Difficulties In Teaching Computer Studies In Enugu East Local Government Area Of Enugu State

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 2]

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    • Statement of the Problem
      The growing need for computer literacy has made it imperative that increased attention be given to the study of computer at all level of education especially in secondary schools. The researcherobservationonjunior secondary schools in Enugu East Local Government Area of Enugu State shows that laboratory, computer and instructional materials required for learning of computer studies are not only inadequate but have not been fully utilized. Further interaction with student has shown that they are not taught computer studies regularly like any other subject due to shortage of computer teachers. However, one of the reasons why computer teachers are in short supply is that when teachers with computer qualification are employed, they prefer to teach mathematics rather than computer subject. Most of these computer teachers have been exposed only to the theoretical aspect of their programme while little or no attention was paid to the practical aspect of their programme during their years of training. (Aghadino, 2014).
      It therefore means that without proper improvement on the gaps facing computer studies in junior secondary schools in Enugu East Local Government Area of Enugu State, Secondary School Students upon graduation are bound to be completely obsolete in our contemporary society where knowledge of computer has become a prerequisite for employment, interview and in some cases for promotion. It is on this basis that the researcher deems it necessary to conduct a study on the perception of junior secondary school students’ on difficulties in learning computers and tend to provide strategies for improving computer studies in Enugu East Local Government Area of Enugu State.

      Purpose of the study
      The general objective of this study is to investigate the perception of junior secondary school students on difficulties in learning Computer Studies in Secondary Schools in Enugu East Local Government Area, Enugu State.
      The specific objectives include;
      1. To find out students-related difficulties in learning computer in Junior Secondary School
      2. To determine School-related difficulties affecting learning of computer in Secondary Schools
      3. To find out strategies in improving learning of computer in Junior Secondary Schools. 

      Significance of the Study 
      The researcher hopes that the result of this research work shall be beneficial to the following: educationaladministrators, computer studies teachers, learners which include secondary school students and future researchers.
      Thefindings of the study will help to make our Educational Administrators see the need to have qualified computer studies teachers to handle the subject effectively for the benefits of the students and society at large.It will also help to sensitize the educational administrators to appreciate the need to make available the necessary materials, examples chalkboard, graph, audio-visual materials, etc that will enhance effective learning of computer studies if they are not available.
       This study will be of need directly to the Computer studiesTeachers’ Association, drawing attention to the need for them to adopt more appropriate teaching method in order to bring about the desirable experience in the learners. 

      It will be useful for learners to identify the factors affecting the teaching and learning of computer studies. It will help to produce sound computer scientists that will function well in the society.This work will serve as a source of encouragement to students and teachers that will come across it. It is hoped that the findings of this study would also form the basis for further research work by future researchers on this issues.
      This work adds great knowledge to already existing literature in computer education and education in general thereby serve as an aid to future researchers.

      Scope of the study
      This study aimed at identifying the perception of junior secondary students on difficulties in learning computer studies in secondary schools. It examined various factors which include; student related factors, school related factors difficulties that affect learning of computer studies and as well proffer solutions to the out-listed difficulties. The study is delimited to public secondary schools in Enugu East LGA, Enugu State.

      Research Questions
      To achieve the objective of the study, three research questions were formulated.
      1. What are students-related difficulties affecting learning of Computer studiesin Junior Secondary Schools?
      2. What are the school-related difficulties affecting learning of computer studies?
      3. What are the strategies for improving the learning of computer studies?

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 2]

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