• Impact Of Information Communication Technology (ict) On Secondary School Education In Anambra State

  • CHAPTER TWO -- [Total Page(s) 5]

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      This chapter presents literature related to the present study “The impact of ICT on secondary school Education in Anambra State”. This review is organized and presented thus;

      Concept of ICT (Information Communication Technology)
      According to Ogunsola (2005) ICT “is an electronic based system of information transmission, reception, processing and retrieval, which has drastically changed the way we think, the way we live and the environment in which we live”. It can be used to access global knowledge and communication with other people (Ogunsola, 2005).
      The use of information and communication technology (ICT) is becoming an integral part of Education in many parts of the globe. Nigeria is not left behind as ICT gradually finds its ways to the Educational systems despite chronic limitations brought about by economic disadvantages. Fundamentally, education is a discipline like any other; it is a branch of human knowledge which is basically concerned with getting the young in the society prepared when they come of age.
      Importance of ICT (Information Communication Technology)
      The importance of ICT is quite evidence from the educational perspective. Though the chalkboard, textbooks, radio/television and film have been used for educational purpose over the years, none has quite impacted on the educational process like computer. While television and film impact only on the audio visual facilities of users, the computer is capable of activating the senses of sight, hearing and touch of the users. ICT has the capacity to provide higher interactive potential for users to develop their individual, intellectual and creative ability.
      Various researchers have carried out research work to show the impact of ICT in learning.

       According to Gbamanja, (1989. p. 131), education is a process, which seeks to change the behavior of a learner. Overall, behaviorist view education as the process of changing the behavioral pattern of people. Behavior in his sense refers to the way we change the learner, his or her thinking, his or her feelings and his other overt actions ( Hergenhahn & Olson 1997).Thus education is the process by which society deliberately transmits its cultural heritage through schools, colleges, universities and other institution (Gbemanja 1989).
      In other to achieve the above- mentioned purpose in education, information and communication technology (ICT) is an essential ingredient that could help bring these gains and benefits to the fore.
      Realistically, several researchers admitted that ICT have an impact in learning and teaching of science.
      Globally, the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) is fast gaining prominence and becoming one of the most important elements defining the basic competencies of students.

      Research conducted by Achuzie (2009), has shown that any secondary school which uses ICT tools to foster learning produces computer literates and potential wonderful researchers. He further poised that Information communication technology went a long way to prepare such secondary school students for the technological advancement tasks ahead, thereby making them adjust and acclimatize to any society of computing they find themselves. Also, computer has been made compulsory in our universities presently, and such student will not find the use of computer unfamiliar since he or she is used to it from JSS classes.

      Cognitive development: ICT tools cannot develop or increase the understanding of an individual that has been dull since childhood but it will just equip such student with the tools he or she needs to explore for additional knowledge.
      Teacher-Like: There has not been any ICT tool that can be used in place of the existence of a trained teacher to students. The Robotic system is still being coded to be able to interpret questions and supply answers to unplanned questions that has not been gabaged into it. But one can get computer-based tutor software where he or she can watch a teacher teaching a particular subject. But questions cannot be asked to such teacher for more clarifications in case of any misunderstanding.

      Pornography: The internet, which is the connection of millions of computer together for the purpose of file sharing and remote information access contains sites that have negative movies where some unscrupulous students log in to watch porn movies. This degrades and derails the moral standard of such student.

  • CHAPTER TWO -- [Total Page(s) 5]

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    • ABSRACT - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]The study investigates the impact of ICT on Anambra secondary schools. Information communication technology (ICT) has no doubt changed the face of teaching and learning globally. The study observed that, though Anambra is also making efforts to join the ICT fray, these efforts appear to be ineffective. Anambra still experience a lag in its implementation due to general neglect and other factors, comprising corruption etc, and this continues to be the major challenge facing access to ICT-driven i ... Continue reading---


      APPENDIX A - [ Total Page(s): 4 ]QUESTION 6What are the academic impacts of computer on secondary school students? ... Continue reading---


      CHAPTER ONE - [ Total Page(s): 3 ]Lots of files are also being misplaced through the manual record system used in our secondary schools instead of the Database Management System (DBMS) which has the ability to store and retrieve data in an automated form with access authentication and low redundancy functionality. These summed up to the reason why the researcher embarked on this research work “Impact of Information Communication Technology (ICT) on secondary school education” in order to expose and justify the impact ... Continue reading---


      CHAPTER THREE - [ Total Page(s): 3 ]CHAPTER THREERESEARCH METHODOLOGYThis chapter comprises the procedures and methods by which this study is carried out, which include the following:RESEARCH DESIGN The research design used by a researcher is the survey method which is one of the best available research design used for obtaining useful relevant information. It is used especially as a means of data gathering and assessment. More so, the design of this study is a descriptive survey which tries to investigate an event in th ... Continue reading---


      CHAPTER FOUR - [ Total Page(s): 4 ]Research question threeWhat is the usefulness of computer in school administration?Table 3Responses on the usefulness of computer in school administration Item 11 shows that Computer programs are used administratively to enhance staff record keeping. It has a mean score of 2.90 which is above the cut-off mean of 2.50. Hence, it is accepted.Item 12 shows the student records are kept electronically to reduce loss of data and data redundancy. It has a mean score of 3.09 which is above the cut-off m ... Continue reading---


      CHAPTER FIVE - [ Total Page(s): 2 ]SUGGESTION FOR FURTHER STUDIESThe researcher hereby recommended that other researchers may undertake such study especially in other parts of the State particularly in other Local Government Areas of Anambra State so that generalized information can be gotten for further decision making.Other topics also suggested for further studies are as follows1. Social implications of computer on secondary students2. Consequences of not computerizing the educational system3. The use of computer in teacher ed ... Continue reading---


      REFRENCES - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]REFERENCESButcher, N.E. (2003). Technological Infrastructure and use of ICT in education in    Africa: An overview, Paris: ADEAJohn W.S. (1972). Introduction to computer theory, New york, willy PressLauden, J.P. (1994). Information Technology and society, Carlifornia, Wadsworth publishing companyLauden, K.C. (1994). Information Technology and society, Carlifornia, Wadsworth publishing company.Lunch M.N. (1984). Computer literacy survival kit for apple 11, New york, MC-Graw hill press.Microsof ... Continue reading---