• Impact Of Information Communication Technology (ict) On Secondary School Education In Anambra State

  • CHAPTER FOUR -- [Total Page(s) 4]

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      These discussion and findings of this work is done according to each research questions.

      Research question 1
      To what extent is computer needed in planning and implementing educational program?
      It was found that computer helps in the planning and implementation of educational program because;
       Computer software helps educational planners to generate school curriculum.
      Computer is also an ICT tool that is used for data storage, thereby reducing lost of kept information.
      It was also found that computer facilitate educational program implementation process.
      Planning is also faster when using computer.
      ICT also procures E-library which helps educational planners in their researches.

      Research question 2
      To what extent does computer enhance the quality of education?
      It was found that;
      ICT tools like printer aides qualitative presentation of classwork in a hardcopy.
      The Overhead projector also makes instruction attractive to both students and teachers, thereby enhancing clarity and understanding of instructions.
      The internet which is a room for all needed information by any researcher eases the usual stress of assignments and homework.

      Research question 3
      What is the usefulness of computer in school administration?
      It was also found that;
      Computer programs are used to enhance staff record keeping administratively.
      The student’s records are also stored with the computer to reduce data loss and redundancy.
      Computer also aides staff salary analysis with minimal error.
      The student’s results are also processed accurately and faster with the use of computer.

      Research question 4
      What are the problems associated with the use of computer by secondary school students?
      It was found that;
      The internet exposes students to uncensored materials which lead to moral degradation and destruction.
      Steady use of computer also poses a health hazard to students as ones eye may be affected.
      Computer games and social networks (2go, whatsapp, twitter etc.) makes one a workaholic, thereby aiding loss of concentration.
      Students watch pornographic movies on the internet thereby increasing their sexual libido which endangers them to raping or being raped.

      Research question 5
      What are the negative effects of computer usage in instruction and learning?
      It was found that;
      One can get wrong information from the internet as it is opened for everyone, both scholars and non-scholars to contribute.
      Some computer search criteria bring negative results leading to misinformation.
      One also may not follow up easily with other students that are used to computer if he changes school from a local (Non-ICT driven environment) school.

      Research question 6
      What are the academic impacts of computer on secondary school students?
      It was found that;
      ICT prepares students for future challenges of scientific innovation.
      It makes students to learn faster as individualized instruction is enhanced by the personal use of the internet.
      It increases the rate of involvement of pupils because students are attracted to new innovations.

  • CHAPTER FOUR -- [Total Page(s) 4]

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    • ABSRACT - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]The study investigates the impact of ICT on Anambra secondary schools. Information communication technology (ICT) has no doubt changed the face of teaching and learning globally. The study observed that, though Anambra is also making efforts to join the ICT fray, these efforts appear to be ineffective. Anambra still experience a lag in its implementation due to general neglect and other factors, comprising corruption etc, and this continues to be the major challenge facing access to ICT-driven i ... Continue reading---


      APPENDIX A - [ Total Page(s): 4 ]QUESTION 6What are the academic impacts of computer on secondary school students? ... Continue reading---


      CHAPTER ONE - [ Total Page(s): 3 ]Lots of files are also being misplaced through the manual record system used in our secondary schools instead of the Database Management System (DBMS) which has the ability to store and retrieve data in an automated form with access authentication and low redundancy functionality. These summed up to the reason why the researcher embarked on this research work “Impact of Information Communication Technology (ICT) on secondary school education” in order to expose and justify the impact ... Continue reading---


      CHAPTER TWO - [ Total Page(s): 5 ]Eye-Problem: The ICT tool called computer has violent rays which affects the eyes negatively. If one stays constantly on the computer system, he or she is prone to night blindness or other eye related diseases.Workaholic/ Loss of concentration: When one gets addicted to the computer system or internet where information are being shared using the social networks such as facebook, whatsapp, 2go, such student will find it so difficult to leave the computer system for other school activities or hous ... Continue reading---


      CHAPTER THREE - [ Total Page(s): 3 ]CHAPTER THREERESEARCH METHODOLOGYThis chapter comprises the procedures and methods by which this study is carried out, which include the following:RESEARCH DESIGN The research design used by a researcher is the survey method which is one of the best available research design used for obtaining useful relevant information. It is used especially as a means of data gathering and assessment. More so, the design of this study is a descriptive survey which tries to investigate an event in th ... Continue reading---


      CHAPTER FIVE - [ Total Page(s): 2 ]SUGGESTION FOR FURTHER STUDIESThe researcher hereby recommended that other researchers may undertake such study especially in other parts of the State particularly in other Local Government Areas of Anambra State so that generalized information can be gotten for further decision making.Other topics also suggested for further studies are as follows1. Social implications of computer on secondary students2. Consequences of not computerizing the educational system3. The use of computer in teacher ed ... Continue reading---


      REFRENCES - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]REFERENCESButcher, N.E. (2003). Technological Infrastructure and use of ICT in education in    Africa: An overview, Paris: ADEAJohn W.S. (1972). Introduction to computer theory, New york, willy PressLauden, J.P. (1994). Information Technology and society, Carlifornia, Wadsworth publishing companyLauden, K.C. (1994). Information Technology and society, Carlifornia, Wadsworth publishing company.Lunch M.N. (1984). Computer literacy survival kit for apple 11, New york, MC-Graw hill press.Microsof ... Continue reading---