• Level Of Competencies Possessed By Junior Secondary School Teachers In The Teaching And Learning Of Computer Science Subject For Effective Service Delivery

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 2]

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      1. Could teachers’ level of subject mastery influence teaching and learning of computer science subject in junior secondary schools?

      2. Does the learning environment influence teaching and learning of computer science subject?

      3. Could teaching method influence teaching and learning of computer science subject in junior secondary schools?

      4. Does teacher qualification influence teaching and learning of computer science subject in junior secondary schools?


       The purpose of this study is based on level of competencies possessed by junior secondary school teachers in the teaching and learning of computer science subject for effective service delivery in Enugu Education Zone. Specifically, the study seeks to determine relationship between:

      1. teachers’ level of subject mastery and teaching and learning of computer science subject in junior secondary schools

      2. learning environment and teaching and learning of computer science subject

      3. teaching method influence and teaching and learning of computer science subject in junior secondary schools

      4. teachers’ qualification and teaching and learning of computer science subject in junior secondary schools


      Nigerian secondary schools today lack behind in the computer science subject in comparison to some well developed countries.  In this sense, the significance of this study cannot be over emphasized since the result from this investigation could help in setting standard requirements for computer science teachers, and help identify the basic challenge facing teachers, which if well treated could enhance teacher’s effectiveness and student learning in Nigerian secondary schools.  Also, the growth of a nation starts from the grassroots level, if education at the local government level is well maintained, on the long run it may affect the education at the state level in general, following this investigation therefore, computer science in secondary school of Enugu Education Zone could be greatly improved.


      This study is limited to some selected secondary schools in Enugu Education Zone.


      Computer: A computer is a machine or an apparatus that manipulate data according to a list of instructions, whose end product (output) may be expressible in numerical or logical terms.

      Teaching: Teaching could be defined as the process of transferring knowledge or the activities of educating or instructing with the aim of impacting knowledge or skill from a generation to another.

      Problem: Learning is the process of acquiring new understanding, knowledge, behaviors, skills, values, attitudes, and preferences.

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 2]

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    • ABSRACT - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]This study is designed to investigate the level of competencies possessed by junior secondary school teachers in the teaching and learning of computer science subject for effective service delivery. From the questionnaire administered in the course of this investigation, and the analysis of the data collected, some of the variables were used.  The variables include; teaching method, learning environment, teacher qualification, teachers and level of subject mastery. In conclusion, some recommend ... Continue reading---