• Nacoss Dues Payment System

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    • Nacoss dues payments by students in Akwa Ibom State Polytechnic are made through cash deposits, Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) and Bank drafts to the school’s accounts in specific bank branches. The aim of this study is to design and Implement a Nacoss dues payment System that will aid in managing all school dues payments using Computer Science Department Akwa Ibom State Polytechnic as a case study. 

      In achieving this aim, the following specific objectives were laid out to develop a web based Nacoss dues payment system available for students and sponsors wherever their location, design a system that will generate invoices at the beginning of each term and facilitates dues payment keeping a record of all the transactions done by the student and the amount a student owes the school, and develop an application software that will capture and store the students’ profile into a database. 

      The methodology adopted in this study is the object oriented analysis and design methodology (OOADM) which is a technical approach for analyzing and designing an application or system by applying object throughout the software development process. The programming language used is HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT, PHP, SQL and JQUERY. The reason why web programming languages was used is because, it is platform independent and it is a web based application. This project will be of beneficial to nearly every business, the simple act of collecting payments from consumers is actually quite complex and yet organizations want to make it easy and convenient for customers to pay. The expected result is an electronic Student School dues payment System that will process students' dues based on academic class, and the system will generates an accurate bill for payment purpose

  • ABSRACT -- [Total Page(s) 1]

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    • CHAPTER ONE - [ Total Page(s): 2 ]INTRODUCTIONNacoss dues payments by students in Akwa Ibom State Polytechnic are made through cash deposits, Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) and Bank drafts to the school's accounts in specific bank branches (Makerere University, 2004). Organizations want to make it easy and convenient for customers to pay, so they offer multiple choices of payment types and channels”. Therefore, the project provides an alternative method that enables secure online dues payment by students and their sponsors.  ... Continue reading---