• Nacoss Dues Payment System

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 2]

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      Nacoss dues payments by students in Akwa Ibom State Polytechnic are made through cash deposits, Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) and Bank drafts to the school's accounts in specific bank branches (Makerere University, 2004). Organizations want to make it easy and convenient for customers to pay, so they offer multiple choices of payment types and channels”. Therefore, the project provides an alternative method that enables secure online dues payment by students and their sponsors.  As a prelude to other parts of this study, this chapter will discuss the background upon which this study was initiated, the statement of problems that led to this study, the Aim and Objectives of the study. Others are Significance of the study, Scope of work, Limitation of the study and Definition of technical terms. 

      1.2 Background of Study

       Dues payments by students in Akwa Ibom State Polytechnic (AGGS) are made through cash deposits, Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) and Bank drafts to the school’s accounts in specific bank branches (AGGS, 2020). Plymouth and Martin (2009) stress that, “For nearly every business, the simple act of collecting payments from consumers is actually quite complex. Organizations want to make it easy and convenient for customers to pay, so they offer multiple choices of payment types and channels”. Therefore, the project provides an alternative method that enables secure online dues payment by students and their sponsors. AGGS has a large number of students who are supposed to pay all the school Dues through cash deposits or bank drafts to the school’s accounts in specific bank branches. This method of paying Dues has not been efficient enough especially during periods of tests and examinations when most of the students are paying Dues to meet the requirements for entering examination rooms. The process of dues payment in such periods is characterized by long queues, too much waiting by students and congestion at banks where payments are made. Students queue to pay Dues and those who do not reach counters within the banks? working hours are advised to return the next day.  This process has always resulted in students missing to sit for their tests and/or examinations while they are queuing to make payments. It has also resulted to too much costs and a lot of time used in transferring and withdrawing money whenever sponsors of students make money transfers to students who can pay school Dues at specific bank branches. The process requires sponsors of students from wherever they are to send money to students through either banks, mobile money or any other possible way(s) so that students pay school Dues or use EFT that require swift codes to pay Dues to the school. This consumes time and sponsors incur extra costs in this process of sending money to students. It was upon this background that the researchers suggested an alternative method which enables secure online dues payment by students and their sponsors.  

      1.3 Statement of the Problem

       The available modes of dues payment to Akwa Ibom State Polytechnic are through cash deposits, Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) and bank drafts have caused long queues, students missing to sit for their tests and examinations, and loss of money intended for Dues while waiting to reach bank counters to make payments among others.  AGGS and other schools across the country has been looking for complete solution for school Dues management but most of the systems available on the market either doesn’t addresses full payment feature or has plenty unnecessary features. Some complete system on the market may not be suitable for the local education system since they may be developed for school in other countries. These systems have their own databases there by duplicating data among these system since you can have a student details table in each of the separate systems.  This project curbs the above problems by developing of an integrated school dues payment system whereby a single large database will be created and all other application like the students profiling, dues payment, payment verification and receipt printing will be built upon a single database. The web-based technology enables students and their sponsors to securely pay university Dues online from wherever they are using credit and debit cards and from whichever location.  

      1.4 Aim

      The aim of the project is to develop an Portal Payment System (PPS) that allows students securely and comfortably pay their NACOSS dues payment system during registration.

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 2]

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    • ABSRACT - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]Nacoss dues payments by students in Akwa Ibom State Polytechnic are made through cash deposits, Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) and Bank drafts to the school’s accounts in specific bank branches. The aim of this study is to design and Implement a Nacoss dues payment System that will aid in managing all school dues payments using Computer Science Department Akwa Ibom State Polytechnic as a case study. In achieving this aim, the following specific objectives were laid out to develop a web based ... Continue reading---