• Design And Development Of A Database Management System For Student Registration

  • CHAPTER TWO -- [Total Page(s) 6]

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      The introduction of computer into information technology has massively improved the information need of organization; the success of this machine is dependent on the knowledge base. Therefore, one can be prompted to ask aloud “what is a computer”. Funk (1980), defined a computer as an electronic device that can perform automatically and at a high speed a sequence of logical operations according to instructions given to it inform of a pre-arranged program.
      Anigbogu (2000) defined a computer as an electronic device capable of accepting data and instructions, processing the data based on the instructions to generate results or output in such a manner that is yet to be equaled by any other known machine to mankind.
      Chimezie (1990) stated that “Computers are looked upon as obedient servants who are ever ready to free man from tedious procedures and produce results as compared with human computing time”.
      Obilikwu (1995) described computer as a machine that is capable of accepting input data, store and process the data based on instructions given by the computer user and in this way produce expected results, generally called output. These definitions of computer would lead us to answer the question “what is a program”.
      In his definition Obilikwu (1995), defined a program as a sequence of instructions given to the computer to perform a specific operation. From Encarta Encyclopedia, computer program is a set of instructions that directs a computer to perform some processing function or combination of functions. The above definitions of computer clearly demonstrated the limitless area of operations of computer in as much as such task is programmable. Computer is applicable in virtually all areas of human endeavor ranging from Agriculture, Education, Business, Sports, Entertainment, Medicine, Construction and Military etc.
      French (1992), in his book titled” computer Science” fourth edition, he relates the relevance of computer to management and stated that “a company needs information in which to base decisions concerning the current operations and future plans. It requires the information to be timely and accurate”. He then cited the example of the use of computer in the area of management control to production and stated “production must be able to respond quickly to changes in demand and other circumstances. To do so requires the provision of up to date information this is accurate and timely”.
      Aluko (1991), stated that “in virtually any job whether clerical, technical, business, or professional; whether it is a banking, medicine, education etc. Computers are useful tools” and that “computers are tools with which we calculate, measure, assess, store, retrieve, regulate and monitor information”. Hence, the blood and life – wire of any system is information. A typical system (Education,
      Management etc.) cannot survive without good management information system (MIS).
      Management information system (MIS) are information systems, typically computer- based, that are used within an organization. The concept of management information system is a complex variable although Murdick (1971), simplified it when he said “there is probably no more challenging and diversified subject than management theory, system theory and computer science”.
      Admission processing system, result processing system, student course registration system is typical information processing system or organizational information system on candidates’ admission and performances. World Net describes an information system (I.S) as “a system consisting of the network of all communication channels used within an organization, and includes software and hardware”. It may also be defined as “a system that collects and processes data (information) and provides it to mangers at all levels that use it for decision making, planning, program implementation and control.
      The aim of information system to admission, registration and result processing in universities is improving the quality and accuracy of information provided to all involved as well as assisting universities in compiling and reporting information. The information system (IS) has common data set on admission, admittance regulations of different universities and admission procedures.
      Computerization is a social process for providing access to and support for computer equipment to be used in activities such as teaching, accounting, writing, designing, circuits, file processing etc. Computerization entails social choices about the levels of appropriate investment and control over equipment and expertise, as well as choices of equipment.
      Dunlop and Kling (1991), by the early 1990s, computing and telecommunications accounted for half of the capital investments made by private firms. However, paper (1980) Feigenbaum and McCorduck (1983) and Yourdon (1986) stated that the most fervent advocates of computerization have argued that the actual pace of computerization in schools, factories and homes is too slow.
      Taylor (1980), classified computer-based education include both computer-assisted instruction programs that interact with students in a dialogue and a broader array of educational computer applications such as simulations or instruction in computer programming. There is major national push for extended application of computer-based education at educational levels. For example, in the mid 1980s private several colleges and Universities required all their freshmen students to buy a specific kind of Micro-computers and others invested heavily in visions of “wired Campus”.
  • CHAPTER TWO -- [Total Page(s) 6]

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    • ABSRACT - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]ABSTRACTThis project was centered on database management system for student registration system. The current process of registration is being operated manually and due to this procedure numerous problem are been encountered. A design was taken to computerized the manual process in order to check this problem. The problems were identified after series of interviews and examination of documents after which analysis was made and a computerized procedure recommended. This project will also suggest h ... Continue reading---


      TABLE OF CONTENTS - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]TABLE OF CONTENTTitle page Certification Dedication Acknowledgement AbstractTable of contentCHAPTER ONE1.1    Introduction1.2    Background of the Study1.3    Statement of the Problem1.4    Objectives of the Study1.5    Significance of the Study1.6    Scope of the Study1.7    Definition of Terms CHAPTER TWOLiterature Review2.1    The Concept of Computer Systems2.2    Relevance of Computer System in Data Processing2.2.1.    Computer Data Processing:2.2.2    Data A ... Continue reading---


      CHAPTER ONE - [ Total Page(s): 3 ]1.3    STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEMDatabase of information is vital in today’s education with respect to student    registration    system,    student    course    registration    and examination result processing. This has become a very vital issue as students spend so much time trying to know the number of credit units for each semester. This problem has lead to time wasting, inaccuracy of results and even open to fraud. Cases of missing results have been recorded there ... Continue reading---


      CHAPTER THREE - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]CHAPTER THREEMETHODOLOGY AND ANALYSIS OF THE PRESENT SYSTEM3.1    THE RESEARCH METHODOLOGYFor us to achieve all these stated above, we made use of the internationally accepted software engineering model, which are Structured System Analysis and Design Methodology (SSADM). Structured System Analysis and Design Methodology (SSADM) is a systems approach to the analysis and design of information systems. SSADM method involves the application of a sequence of analysis, documentation and design tas ... Continue reading---


      CHAPTER FOUR - [ Total Page(s): 8 ]Table 4.2: Students Registration Form (Back)I certify that all the information and Materials given in this form are correct and true and that if it is discovered that I do not possess the result(s) claimed above, the offer of Admission will be withdrawn.Student’s Signature:_______________Date: _______________4.5    STUDENT COURSE REGISTRATION FORM (FRONT)CARITAS UNIVERSITY, AMORJI-NIKEP.M.B. 01784, ENUGU ENUGU STATESTUDENT COURSE REGISTERATION FORMRegistry Department Date:1Name:_ ... Continue reading---


      CHAPTER FIVE - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]CHAPTER FIVESUMMARY, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS5.1    SUMMARYThis research work focuses on the use of computer system with reference to student registration system ,student course registration, result processing in Computer Science and Information Technology Department, Caritas University.The work covers the manual system of opertions as regards the problems identified, stating the aims of the new system, stating the various specifications and then implementing the programs. The work was ... Continue reading---


      REFRENCES - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]BIBLIOGRAPHYAnigbogu, S.O. (2000). Computer Application and Operation First Edition. Awka: Optimum Press (Printers, Publisher and Designers)Blementhal, S.C. (1999). Management Information System New jersey: Hall Inc, Eaglewood:Eloba., P.C (1998). Computer in School Record Keeping Technical Education. Ikeja, Lagos State: Ekon Press.French, C.S (1992), Computer Science. Fourth Edition DPAldine Place, London. Webstar Publication, Ltd.Murdick, D. (1971). Management Theory of Computer. Pg 32.Osaula, ... Continue reading---