• Design And Development Of A Database Management System For Student Registration

  • CHAPTER TWO -- [Total Page(s) 6]

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    • 2.2.2    Data Analysis: When the domain from which the data are harvested is a science or an engineering field, data processing and information systems are considered terms that are too broad and the more specialized term data analysis is typically used. This is a focus representation of rational numbers (Anigbogu, 2002).
      2.2.3    Processing: Practically all naturally occurring processes can be viewed as examples of data processing systems where "observable" and information systems restricts their use to refer to the algorithmic derivations, logical deductions, and statistical calculations that recur perennially in general business environments, rather than in the more expansive sense of all conversions of real-world measurements into real-world information in, say, an organic biological system.
      The importance of high-speed data processing and communication to modern society and economy can scarcely be exaggerated. Thomas Friedman, in The World is Flat (Farrar,2005) argues that they have wrought a more profound revolution change in communication and trade than did the Gutenberg printing press and have changed the world permanently in far less time. The proliferation of PCs, PDAs and cellular communications, the ubiquity of the internet and the accelerating development of software that allows all of these technologies to interact on a common communication framework have “flattened” our world, in Friedman’s parlance, by literally erasing the significance of geography and national boundaries in the conduct of commerce and trade. Together with the emergence of the leadership and management practices to take advantages of these “flatteners”, and the collapse of political and economic barriers that accompanied the end of the cold war, what Friedman calls the “triple convergence” has literally “changed everything”. Friedman’s observations are supported by the words of the CEO of Hewlett Packard, that the world is entering “an era in which technology will literally transform every aspect of business, every aspect of life and every aspect of society.
      There are problems with data processing with respect to Computer. The problems are the same as those problems encountered when using Computer.
      The major problem
      Hardware failure which may be caused by power (supply of current)
      2.4    FORMATS OF RESULT
      Result must be communicated to the person who wishes to use it. It can be communicated in a number of ways for example:
      a)    By word of mouth (e.g. telephone) by sight (e.g. witnessing or observing something) even by touch, smell or taste
      b)    On paper
      i.    as a report
      ii.    as a set of figures
      iii.    as a diagram or chart
      iv.    as a photography or picture
      c)    In a form that is not human sensible that in a form that humans cannot use without the help of a computer or special equipment. Microfilm and microfiche are examples of this and computer files of magnetic disks, or magnetic tapes are others. The communication of the information would, in these cases, be communications between machines and humans would then have to use a machine such as a computer or microfilm reader to obtain access to the information they want. Information and organization are unified. Information is communicated so that decisions can be taken.
      Processing business data can be said to have the following features for manual as well as electronic.
      1.    Collecting Data in the First Place: There must be data to process and this may arise in the student course of operations. There has to be a system  or  procedure  for  ensuring  that all  the data needed  for
      processing is collected and made available for processing.
      2.    Up-Dating Files to Incorporate the Processed Data: Updating the personal ledger and the debtors control account are the updating activities to keep the sales ledger records up to date. Updating files means bringing them up to date.
      3.    The Routine Dissemination of Information to Users: This includes routine management control of information and comparing the actual results and budgeted for the month. Providing non-routine information to users on request.
      Computers are a key features of the electronic office, and it is important aware of the reasons why they process information better than a manual system. The functions of computers in information or data or result processing include:
      1.    To process information or result more quickly
      2.    To handle bigger volumes of processing
      3.    To undertake complex processing
      4.    To process information more reliably i.e. with less chance of error mistakes
      5.    To process information at less cost than a manual system.
      6.    To improve the scope and quality of management information
  • CHAPTER TWO -- [Total Page(s) 6]

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    • ABSRACT - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]ABSTRACTThis project was centered on database management system for student registration system. The current process of registration is being operated manually and due to this procedure numerous problem are been encountered. A design was taken to computerized the manual process in order to check this problem. The problems were identified after series of interviews and examination of documents after which analysis was made and a computerized procedure recommended. This project will also suggest h ... Continue reading---


      TABLE OF CONTENTS - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]TABLE OF CONTENTTitle page Certification Dedication Acknowledgement AbstractTable of contentCHAPTER ONE1.1    Introduction1.2    Background of the Study1.3    Statement of the Problem1.4    Objectives of the Study1.5    Significance of the Study1.6    Scope of the Study1.7    Definition of Terms CHAPTER TWOLiterature Review2.1    The Concept of Computer Systems2.2    Relevance of Computer System in Data Processing2.2.1.    Computer Data Processing:2.2.2    Data A ... Continue reading---


      CHAPTER ONE - [ Total Page(s): 3 ]1.3    STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEMDatabase of information is vital in today’s education with respect to student    registration    system,    student    course    registration    and examination result processing. This has become a very vital issue as students spend so much time trying to know the number of credit units for each semester. This problem has lead to time wasting, inaccuracy of results and even open to fraud. Cases of missing results have been recorded there ... Continue reading---


      CHAPTER THREE - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]CHAPTER THREEMETHODOLOGY AND ANALYSIS OF THE PRESENT SYSTEM3.1    THE RESEARCH METHODOLOGYFor us to achieve all these stated above, we made use of the internationally accepted software engineering model, which are Structured System Analysis and Design Methodology (SSADM). Structured System Analysis and Design Methodology (SSADM) is a systems approach to the analysis and design of information systems. SSADM method involves the application of a sequence of analysis, documentation and design tas ... Continue reading---


      CHAPTER FOUR - [ Total Page(s): 8 ]Table 4.2: Students Registration Form (Back)I certify that all the information and Materials given in this form are correct and true and that if it is discovered that I do not possess the result(s) claimed above, the offer of Admission will be withdrawn.Student’s Signature:_______________Date: _______________4.5    STUDENT COURSE REGISTRATION FORM (FRONT)CARITAS UNIVERSITY, AMORJI-NIKEP.M.B. 01784, ENUGU ENUGU STATESTUDENT COURSE REGISTERATION FORMRegistry Department Date:1Name:_ ... Continue reading---


      CHAPTER FIVE - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]CHAPTER FIVESUMMARY, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS5.1    SUMMARYThis research work focuses on the use of computer system with reference to student registration system ,student course registration, result processing in Computer Science and Information Technology Department, Caritas University.The work covers the manual system of opertions as regards the problems identified, stating the aims of the new system, stating the various specifications and then implementing the programs. The work was ... Continue reading---


      REFRENCES - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]BIBLIOGRAPHYAnigbogu, S.O. (2000). Computer Application and Operation First Edition. Awka: Optimum Press (Printers, Publisher and Designers)Blementhal, S.C. (1999). Management Information System New jersey: Hall Inc, Eaglewood:Eloba., P.C (1998). Computer in School Record Keeping Technical Education. Ikeja, Lagos State: Ekon Press.French, C.S (1992), Computer Science. Fourth Edition DPAldine Place, London. Webstar Publication, Ltd.Murdick, D. (1971). Management Theory of Computer. Pg 32.Osaula, ... Continue reading---