• An Online Web Application For News Around The School

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 2]

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      1.0    Introduction
      The term online in regards to computer technology and communication means that the computer is connected to a network. In a network, computers are allowed to share resources such as hardware, software, data and information. The access to the resources on the network is controlled by a server. (Shelly, Cashman, Vermaat, 2006). The term online system refers to a computer system which allows online users to transmit and receive information (Publishing Dictionary, 2011).
      Nowadays, an online system plays a major role in almost all organizations. One major advantage of using an online system is it provides a convenient way of doing things at anytime and anywhere as long as there is an Internet connection.
      Today’s university system has an increasing need for an efficient, reliable and accessible computerized system that will manage information. Hence the need for computerized system cannot be over emphasized.
      1.1    AIM
      The project work is aimed at providing a functional web application for the department where students can get news about past, present and future events ongoing within the department.
      The proposed system will undertake the dissemination of information within the department of Computer science and Information Technology.
      1.2    Objectives of the Study
      The project work is aimed at creating an up-to-date computerized online news portal system where students in computer science and information technology can get news about past, present and future events ongoing in the department.
      The following are the objectives of the study:
      1)    Provide Information: Online news portal give information about every field- political, social, sports, education, science, entertainment etc to the public.
      2)    Educate People: Online news portals not only provide information but also educate people about the social & political structure. People come to know about the upcoming challenges and learn how to combat the circumstances.
      3)    Instant & Latest News: Online news portals made latest news only a single click away. People can get a minute update across the globe only by a single click.
      4)    News per Interest: People have their own interest. Some might be have interest in politics while others can have interest in sports or entertainment. Web media does not work on bullet theory. People have ample of options to choose from. They can read news as per their interest.
      5)    Easily Accessible: Online news portals are easily accessible. Today 66 per cent of people have smart phones and they access internet on their smart phones only. People can get updated with the latest updates anywhere they go.
      6)    Live Coverage of Sports: Online news portals provide live coverage of sports. News portals do not let disappoint fans of any sports no matter whether it is cricket match or a tennis tournament. Fans can get updated with the scores while they are at work.
      7)    Easy Feedback Receiver: It is a big task for traditional media to collect feedback from their readers or viewers. But for web media, it is not a hard nut to crack. News portals can get feedback from their viewers by comment option. Even news website can get comment on their every news. It is a two way communication. People can easily send their views and feedback.
      8)    Minute to Minute coverage of any breaking news: News websites do minute to minute coverage of breaking news. It is not possible for people to wait for next morning for news or sit all time in front of television to watch breaking news. Web media has broken all these barriers. People can get news on their mobile anywhere they go.
      9)    Pictures of news events: People can watch exclusive pictures of news events.
      More generally, a portal, often called portal software, is a Web-based application that brings audience, application, systems and processes together to form a centralized collaboration experience. Portal software integrates technologies to build personalized work areas and communities to increase productivity for users. Portal software is built for corporate intranets, extranets, communities, Web sites, and projects, just to name a few. Depending on the kind of business needs and the portal software, one can expect to gain several benefits from using portal software in any environment. Some of the benefits are (Chozam, 2006):
      ✓    Efficiently deliver information to the audience.
      ✓    Increase productivity for the end user.
      ✓    Provides customizable features and development tools.
      ✓    Increase interaction between customers and employees.
      ✓    Personalized environments for end users.
      ✓    Integration of external applications and services by port lets.
      1.3    Significance of the Study
      Below are the significances of the project:
      ✓    Professionally publishes and manages an online news publication quickly and easily
      ✓    Full-featured and ready to go today - right "off-the-shelf"
      ✓    Low Total Cost of Ownership - Low startup& training costs with continuing low operating costs
      ✓    A versatile content management tool that can be used to publish a wide variety of information, such as online newspapers, press releases, reports and papers, dissertations, etc.
      ✓    A portal provides Internet users with a single,customized entry point to network- based campus. In the higher-education context, the portalsof most interest are horizontal, that is, they are designed to offer access to almost everything that an individual user associated with thecampus needs to manage his or her relationship with the University. These users can include students, faculty, staff, parents, prospectivestudents, alumni, and members of the community at large.
  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 2]

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    • ABSRACT - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]Abstract coming soon for this material ... Continue reading---


      APPENDIX A - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]Appendix ADEFINITION OF TERMSComputer: An electronic device for storing and processing data, typically in binary form, according to instructions given to it in a variable program.Processing: To deal with or carry out a task according to an established Procedure. Information system: It is a collection of procedures, people, Instructions and equipment to produce information in a useful form.Database: a systematically arranged collection of data, designed so that it can be automatically retrieved o ... Continue reading---


      APPENDIX C - [ Total Page(s): 8 ]}mysql_close($con);?>View AllENTERTAINMENT NEWSView All2).    Source code for User’s login page Online News Portal function alt(){var y= document.myform;window.alert("Please LOG IN to read the complete news"); y.uname.focus();return false;}ONLINE NEWS PORTAL    Daily NewsUSER NAME: PASSWORD:    REGISTER  Sports News ... Continue reading---


      APPENDIX B - [ Total Page(s): 4 ]Appendix B ... Continue reading---


      CHAPTER TWO - [ Total Page(s): 2 ]2.3    DatabaseIn the early days of computerization, it was normal to maintain specific files for individual applications. Data were processes centrally in batches and there was little or no online interrogation of data. This approach is wholly inefficient for most of today’s data processing systems. Supporting this, Vossen (1991) enumerated the problems that result from organizing data using the file system:a)        There exists a high redundancy between files, which result fro ... Continue reading---


      CHAPTER THREE - [ Total Page(s): 2 ]CHAPTER THREERESEARCH METHODOLOGY AND SYSTEM ANALYSIS3.0    IntroductionResearch methodology is a systematic way to solve the research problem, rather than haphazardly using a collection of methods to perform research. Research methods, on the other hand, refer to the methods and techniques used by the researcher in performing the research such as data collection techniques, data processing techniques and instruments. Kothari (1985). This chapter contains the methodologies in the research app ... Continue reading---


      CHAPTER FOUR - [ Total Page(s): 6 ]CHAPTER FOURSYSTEM DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION4.0    INTRODUCTIONThe main objective of this design is to implement a Web Based News Portal. At the end of this design, an on-line site that is capable of running on a local server will be realized.   In addition to this, a full database driven site with good user interface will be achieved.4.1    Input and Output SpecificationInput SpecificationAll input used on this system were rendered to suit the inputs of both stand-alone Pc and distribut ... Continue reading---


      CHAPTER FIVE - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]CHAPTER FIVESUMMARY, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS5.0    SUMMARYAt the end of the study I have been able to achieve the following at the completion of this work•        To replace the error prone manual system with the new computerized online news portal.•    Data can now be processed with great speed and efficiency•    Security of data is ensured.5.1    CONCLUSIONThe online system has become a requirement to every organization nowadays and the use of the Inf ... Continue reading---


      REFRENCES - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]REFERENCESBill Karow, Chuck White, Steven M. Schafer Bryan Pfaffenberger, HTML, and CSS Bible. New York: Wiley 2004 Donatus Chimezie Dennis Oguuamanam, Machine Vision Tool Monitoring System for Automated Manufacturing, Publisher: Ottaawa: National Library of Canada, 1990-1991.Elwood F, Hotton II, James W, Trott Jr, (1996). Trends Towards a Closer Integration of Vocational Education and Human Resource Development. New York, ACM Press, pp 99-107. HP William Hewlett David Packard. Press release on ... Continue reading---