• An Online Web Application For News Around The School

  • CHAPTER THREE -- [Total Page(s) 2]

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    • •    Implementation and Unit Testing:
      Now that we have system design, code generation begins. Code generation is the conversion of design into machine-readable form. If designing of software and system is done well, code generation can be done easily. Software modules are now further divided into units. A unit is a logically separable part of the software. Testing of units can be done separately. In this phase unit testing is done by the developer itself, to ensure that there are no defects.
      •    Integration and System testing:
      Now the units of the software are integrated together and a system is built. So we have complete software at hand which is tested to check if it meets the functional and performance requirements of the customer. Testing is done, as per the steps defined in the test plan, to ensure defined input produces actual results which agree with the required results. A test report is generated which contains test results.
      •    Operation & maintenance:
      Now that we have completed the tested software, we deliver it to the client. His feed- backs are taken and any changes, if required, are made in this phase. This phase goes on until the software is retired.
      The methodology of data collection based on this research work is through both primary and secondary sources.
      The primary data are fresh materials that are realized either through interviews or questionnaire or both, but the one used in this research work is realized through interview.
      The major source of data used in this work is the secondary source which represents works already done in the research topic and includes the following information from;
      ✓    Textbooks
      ✓    Computer journals
      ✓    Magazines
      ✓    Articles
      ✓    Library and
      ✓    Internet.
      Due to the manual means being used by the University, in disseminating information to students a lot of problems are encountered which includes:
      a)    It can be easily discarded once read, so less chances for advertiser to convert the advertisement into leads or sale.
      b)    It is time consuming and time wasting.
      c)    It is not a save way of disseminating information due to physical environmental factors.
      3.4    Functional Requirements:
      For documenting the functional requirements, the set of functionalities supported by the system are to be specified. A function can be specified by identifying the state at which the data is to be input to the system, its input data domain, the output data domain, and the type of processing to be carried on the input data to obtain the output data.
      Basically the management parts are the functional requirements which are uploading details, search topic, edit option and user registration.
      Uploading Item
      Description: Uploading function can be done by the user who has registered on the website. When the user uploads an item and if it is a news item or forum is determined and edited by the administrators or editors and then it is displayed on the home page. A registered user can also add comment on other news as well. It is controlled by the editor and which checks whether the uploaded item is fit for the mass or not if it is then it display on screen if not then it is edited to make it visible for the mass then display on the screen of the website.
      Search topic
      Description: Search function does not require any authentication from its user so any user can perform this function. If a user searches for a news item then the news will be displayed on the screen if it related to the search topic. It checks for any item related to the search topic and displays it on the screen and if there is no item related to the topic is present then it will pop as no related item.
      Edit topic
      Description:Edit function can be done by only administrator or editor. Any uploaded item is examined and edited by administrator so it can be allowed to display to mass. User registration
      Description:Registration is allowed to the users who are not registered yet (unregistered users) and completion of this function they can also upload items.It checks if the information submitted about the new user is similar to any other registered user if yes it rejects the user information if no then new user will be registered successfully.
      3.5    Advantages of Online News Portal
      Online News has become more and more popular as technology continues to grow. Some may view this as helpful, but others may not be too thrilled about this change.
      There are many advantages of online news.
      a)    A useful advantage is the immediacy of getting the news out. If it waited until it printed for the newspapers, people won’t receive it until the next morning, and only if they even get newspapers.
      b)    Also, the majority of our country is on the internet constantly, especially now. People have constant access to the internet with popular technology like the smart phones, iPads, etc.
      c)    Other advantages would be to have the ability to add more visuals, like images and videos, and easier to spread, since most websites have an option to tweet or email the link.
      Disadvantages of Online News Portal
      There are many disadvantages of online news.
      a)    Some disadvantages would be that many websites are scams or not reliable.
      b)    The internet may not be stable due to crashing or power loss, and the fact that since they can fit more information, they ADD more information and people could lose interest.
      c)    At least with a newspaper, they have a limit of how much they can write so they make it short and sweet, but with just the right about of information.
      The new system is designed to solve problems affecting the manual system in use. It is design to be used online thereby relieving both the students and staff from much stress as experienced in the manual system.
      This system will do the analyzing and storing of information either automatically or interactively. It will make use of online access to Internet.

  • CHAPTER THREE -- [Total Page(s) 2]

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    • ABSRACT - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]Abstract coming soon for this material ... Continue reading---


      APPENDIX A - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]Appendix ADEFINITION OF TERMSComputer: An electronic device for storing and processing data, typically in binary form, according to instructions given to it in a variable program.Processing: To deal with or carry out a task according to an established Procedure. Information system: It is a collection of procedures, people, Instructions and equipment to produce information in a useful form.Database: a systematically arranged collection of data, designed so that it can be automatically retrieved o ... Continue reading---


      APPENDIX C - [ Total Page(s): 8 ]}mysql_close($con);?>View AllENTERTAINMENT NEWSView All2).    Source code for User’s login page Online News Portal function alt(){var y= document.myform;window.alert("Please LOG IN to read the complete news"); y.uname.focus();return false;}ONLINE NEWS PORTAL    Daily NewsUSER NAME: PASSWORD:    REGISTER  Sports News ... Continue reading---


      APPENDIX B - [ Total Page(s): 4 ]Appendix B ... Continue reading---


      CHAPTER ONE - [ Total Page(s): 2 ]CHAPTER ONEGENERAL INTRODUCTION1.0    IntroductionThe term online in regards to computer technology and communication means that the computer is connected to a network. In a network, computers are allowed to share resources such as hardware, software, data and information. The access to the resources on the network is controlled by a server. (Shelly, Cashman, Vermaat, 2006). The term online system refers to a computer system which allows online users to transmit and receive information (Publi ... Continue reading---


      CHAPTER TWO - [ Total Page(s): 2 ]2.3    DatabaseIn the early days of computerization, it was normal to maintain specific files for individual applications. Data were processes centrally in batches and there was little or no online interrogation of data. This approach is wholly inefficient for most of today’s data processing systems. Supporting this, Vossen (1991) enumerated the problems that result from organizing data using the file system:a)        There exists a high redundancy between files, which result fro ... Continue reading---


      CHAPTER FOUR - [ Total Page(s): 6 ]CHAPTER FOURSYSTEM DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION4.0    INTRODUCTIONThe main objective of this design is to implement a Web Based News Portal. At the end of this design, an on-line site that is capable of running on a local server will be realized.   In addition to this, a full database driven site with good user interface will be achieved.4.1    Input and Output SpecificationInput SpecificationAll input used on this system were rendered to suit the inputs of both stand-alone Pc and distribut ... Continue reading---


      CHAPTER FIVE - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]CHAPTER FIVESUMMARY, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS5.0    SUMMARYAt the end of the study I have been able to achieve the following at the completion of this work•        To replace the error prone manual system with the new computerized online news portal.•    Data can now be processed with great speed and efficiency•    Security of data is ensured.5.1    CONCLUSIONThe online system has become a requirement to every organization nowadays and the use of the Inf ... Continue reading---


      REFRENCES - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]REFERENCESBill Karow, Chuck White, Steven M. Schafer Bryan Pfaffenberger, HTML, and CSS Bible. New York: Wiley 2004 Donatus Chimezie Dennis Oguuamanam, Machine Vision Tool Monitoring System for Automated Manufacturing, Publisher: Ottaawa: National Library of Canada, 1990-1991.Elwood F, Hotton II, James W, Trott Jr, (1996). Trends Towards a Closer Integration of Vocational Education and Human Resource Development. New York, ACM Press, pp 99-107. HP William Hewlett David Packard. Press release on ... Continue reading---