• Design And Implementation Of A Distributed Recruitment Management System

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 2]

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      1.1    Background of Study
      Results of various research carried out over the years has shown that one of the greatest challenges facing organizations in the area of employee performance is their inability to put together techniques capable of recruiting competent employees and retaining them to achieve the goals of the organization (Gberevbie, 2008). Most of these organizations contract out the handling of staff recruitment to recruitment agencies that are subject to bias and favouritism and this more often than not results in the recruitment of incompetent staff.
      According to (Banjoko 2003) employee recruitment is the act of reaching out, looking for and attracting a large number of people or a huge amount of interested candidates from which the organization can select those it considers adequate enough or most qualified for the job. “Studies have shown that the human resource is the most valuable asset in any organization” (Adebayo et al, 2001). The human factor is one of the most important factors to be considered in the achievement of the goals of an organization. As a result, the need to put together techniques capable of recruiting competent employees and retaining them as part of an organizations workforce cannot be overemphasized.
      The nature of the job market has made it almost a requirement for recruitment agencies in Nigeria to administer psychometric tests popularly called pre-employment tests or aptitude tests during the recruitment phase. Over 70% of large companies use these tests to measure how potential employees would differ in their ability to carry out tasks (Leeds University, 2010). Dragnet Solutions which is a leading Recruitment Agency in Nigeria uses a centralized computer based solution which involves inviting prospective employees to undergo these tests at specific locations and times in the country whilst ensuring the applicants never have real time access to their results.
      The centralized computer based solution used by most recruitment agencies can be made more efficient by employing a distributed solution using the internet to network the various computers involved in the system to facilitate the exchange of information and ensure that results are generated and can be viewed in real time whilst eliminating the need for applicants to converge at specific locations to partake in the aptitude test.
      Over the years the science behind personnel recruitment has become an important area of research. Multi component systems called recruitment Management Systems have been designed to facilitate and automate the process of assessing and hiring new employees. (Recruitment management system, searchfinancialapplications.techtarget.com) Techniques such as Data mining and Knowledge Discovery in Databases (K.D.D) have been used over the years in some systems to find and interpret patterns from available data with the repeated application of data mining algorithms to help make decisions about problems that rapidly change or are not specific. (Fayyad et al, 1996). The machine learning approach has also provided a step in the right direction to infer new knowledge from existing ones and this is usually expressed in the form of static data sometimes with the option of dynamic data or rules.
      1.2    Problem Statement
      In order to paint a clear picture of the problem to be solved a simple scenario would be used. Candidate A is a bright young graduate who just finished from the university with a first class has completed his compulsory national youth service and is about to enter into the Nigerian labour market. He has no ”God father” or ”friends in high places” while Candidate B an average student also just graduated from the university has also completed his youth service with the difference being that In his case he knows people in all the right places. Both candidates apply for a position in a company that uses a recruitment agency to employ its members of staff candidate A performs exceedingly well in the aptitude test while candidate B performs poorly. Candidate B knowing he has performed informs his elite friends who just happen to know the C.E.O of the recruitment agency in charge.
      The report that is to be sent to the hiring organization is then doctored to favour candidate B while putting candidate A at a great disadvantage thus hampering the growth of the hiring organizations. More over the data generated from the use of the system cannot be accessed easily by external organizations owing to the fact that the system is centralized and pertinent information that can be accessed by external clients is not located in a central online repository.
      This bias and hoarding of information necessitates the need for a more efficient means of staff recruitment hence the need to decentralize the powers of recruitment agencies with the use of a distributed decision support system which ensures that the decisions made by the system are tamper proof and not subject to the biased nature of any individual whilst ensuring that pertinent information relating to the job applicants are stored in a single repository online that can be easily accessed by other organizations who can utilise the said information to make informed decisions.

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 2]

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    • ABSRACT - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]ABSTRACTThe recruitment process has always been critical to the success or failure of organizations. Organizations constantly seek better methods of recruiting staff that will require minimal effort to seamlessly fit in with the organizations business processes and thus provide recruitment agencies with the means with which to determine which universities provide the best graduates in a particular field for recruitment.This project work utilized a V-model software methodology, in the ver ... Continue reading---


      APPENDIX A - [ Total Page(s): 2 ]APPENDIXAPRIORI ALGORITHM CODE ... Continue reading---


      LIST OF TABLES - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]LIST OF TABLESHuman Resource Task and Associated Data mining TechniquesDescription of the Use Cases in R.M.SDescription of the Elements of the Level 0 Dataflow DiagramDescription of the elements of the Level 1 Dataflow DiagramHiring Company TableData Dictionary for Hiring Company TableCandidate TableData Dictionary for Candidate TableExamination TableData Dictionary for Examination TableResult TableData Dictionary for Result TableQuestions TableData Dictionary for Questions TableDescri ... Continue reading---


      LIST OF FIGURES - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]LIST OF FIGURESFigure 2.1:    Overview of the Steps that compose the Knowledge Discovery Process   Figure 2.2:    Architecture of a Typical Data Mining System    Figure 2.3:    Data mining and Talent Management    Figure 2.4:    Role of Decision Support in Decision Making    Figure 2.5:    Architecture of a Typical Decision Support System    Figure 2.6:    Client Server Architecture   Figure 2.7:    3-Tier Architecture   Figure 2.8:    Distributed Object ... Continue reading---


      TABLE OF CONTENTS - [ Total Page(s): 2 ]TABLE OF CONTENTSCertification    Acknowledgement    Abstract    List of Tables    List of Figures    CHAPTER ONE    INTRODUCTION   1.1    Background of Study   1.2    Problem Statement    1.3    Aim and Objectives of the Study    1.4    Methodology    1.5    Scope and Limitation of Study    1.6    Justification    CHAPTER 2    LITERATURE REVIEW     2.1    Preamble    2.2    Theoretical Background of Recruitment    ... Continue reading---


      CHAPTER TWO - [ Total Page(s): 18 ]    Distributed Object ArchitectureThere is no distinction in distributed object architectures between tween clients and servers.Each distributable entity is an object that provides services to other objects and receivesservices from other objects. Object communication is through a middleware system called an object request broker; however distributed object architectures are more complex to design sign than Client-server systems.    Peer to Peer ArchitectureThe client-server ... Continue reading---


      CHAPTER THREE - [ Total Page(s): 19 ]The form in figure 3.15 can be accessed from the dashboard it is used by the company to create and schedule an exam to be written by candidates for an exam it also includes duration of the exam to ensure that the R.M.S knows how long the exam is to hold.The upload questions form in figure 3.16 is used by the company to create the questions to be used to assess students these questions can be created manually with the questions entered into the form one after the other with the save butto ... Continue reading---


      CHAPTER FOUR - [ Total Page(s): 16 ]The View/Update Registered Candidates in Fig 4.8 displays all candidates registered by a company and the exams to be written. Candidate’s information can also be updated by clicking on the update icon (yellow icon) on the last row of the table. So also candidate’s information can be deleted by clicking on the deleted icon which is above the update iconThe candidate dashboard displayed in fig 4.9 shows the different operations that can be performed by a candidate there are basic ... Continue reading---


      CHAPTER FIVE - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]CHAPTER FIVESUMMARY CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION5.1    SummaryRecruitment needs of an organization are specific to that particular organization no other entity can understand the recruitment need of a particular organization better than the organization itself. In order to provide a system that enables organizations take charge of their recruitment needs by eliminating the need for recruitment agencies this project provides a platform with which such organizations can administer recruitm ... Continue reading---


      REFRENCES - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]REFERENCESâ„–naka , I. , and H. Takeuchi . (1995) . The knowledge-creating company: How Japanese companies create the dynamics of innovation. New York : Oxford University Press .Abell, A., & Oxbrow, N. (2001). Competing with knowledge: The information professional in the knowledge management age. London: Library Association Publishing.Adebayo, Ejiofor, & Mbachu. (2001, â„–vember 23). The American Productivity and Quality Centre. Retrieved August 23, 2015, from APQC Web site: http://www ... Continue reading---