• Design And Implementation Of A Distributed Recruitment Management System

  • CHAPTER THREE -- [Total Page(s) 19]

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      3.1    Preamble
      This chapter describes the workings and problems of the existing system, it also analyses the proposed system using various models and lastly gives us a sense of what the system design would entail. In the analysis phase we determine the functional and non-functional requirements of the system, the use case model is used to show how the users interact with the system, the data flow diagram shows how data is transformed and moves between processes in the new system while the E-R diagram depicts the systems various entities and their relationships. In the system design phase the functional hierarchical diagram serves as a kind of organogram for the system, the logic model of the system uses pseudo code to model the systems association rules, an activity diagram is used to show the high level processes within the system and lastly prototypes of the various systems interface is described in the final sections of this chapter.
      3.2    Description of the Existing Recruitment Management System
      In the system currently in use at dragnet solutions when an organization engages dragnet solutions to recruit for its available vacancies dragnet starts out by placing advertorials in both electronic and print media calling for CV’s to fill the available vacancies. Qualified candidates are then then informed via e-mail of a screening with their test centres and date enclosed within. These candidates then have to make themselves available for the screening at appropriate time and place. This ensures that the hiring organizations do not have access to real time results but depend on reports sent to them by the recruitment agencies.
      3.2.1    Analysis of the existing system
      Here we would look at the problems and benefits of the existing system
      3.2.2    Problems of the existing system
      The main problem of the existing system is that it lacks transparency it gives room for a lot of back room deals to occur. Take for example someone who as o travel all the way from the north to a test centre in the south or south west only to be told he didn’t get the job because he doesn’t share the same faith as the C.E.O of the recruitment agency.
      3.2.3    Benefits of the existing system
      The existing system has the benefit of being easy to use with little technical requirements required it also provides top notch security to data within the system due to its centralized nature.
      3.3    Analysis of the Recruitment Management System
      The new system aims to reduce the level of inconvenience experienced by job seekers it also provides real time access to results of aptitude test whilst providing an open repository available to external actors. The existing system fails to provide real time access to results with hiring organizations being dependent on reports generated by the recruitment agencies.
      In this section and its corresponding sub sections we model the new system using models such as the use case model, the functional hierarchical Diagram, the context data flow diagrams, the level 0 and level 1 data flow diagrams whilst also stating the functional and non-functional requirements of the system.
      3.3.1    System Requirements
      The requirements needed by the system can be broken into two namely:
      =>    Functional Requirements
      =>    Non-Functional Requirements    Functional Requirements
      These are the requirements that show what the system should do, they include the following
      =>    Input:
      o    Capture organizations details.
      o    Capture Candidates details.
      o    Schedule an exam.
      o    Capture questions and answers for the exam.
      =>   Processing:
      =>    Compare    answers    entered    by    candidate    with    answer    set    by organization.
      =>    Count the number of equal and unequal comparisons.
      =>   Process and store organizations details.
      =>    Mine available data to find patterns in candidate’s details and result.
      =>    Output:
      =>    Display result of exams taken.
      =>  Display result of data mining operation.
      =>    Generate various reports for the hiring organization (e.g. Report of results of    an exam, Report of schools with highest score etc.)
      =>    Generate report of schools that produce the most qualified candidates from mined data.    on-Functional Requirements
      These are the attributes of the new system
      =>   Enable registered users take an aptitude test.
      =>    Use of passwords to prevent unauthorized access.
      =>   Provide users with real time access to results of aptitude tests taken.
      =>    Provide a repository which would be used to support managers in making decisions with respect to recruitment.

  • CHAPTER THREE -- [Total Page(s) 19]

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    • ABSRACT - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]ABSTRACTThe recruitment process has always been critical to the success or failure of organizations. Organizations constantly seek better methods of recruiting staff that will require minimal effort to seamlessly fit in with the organizations business processes and thus provide recruitment agencies with the means with which to determine which universities provide the best graduates in a particular field for recruitment.This project work utilized a V-model software methodology, in the ver ... Continue reading---


      APPENDIX A - [ Total Page(s): 2 ]APPENDIXAPRIORI ALGORITHM CODE ... Continue reading---


      LIST OF TABLES - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]LIST OF TABLESHuman Resource Task and Associated Data mining TechniquesDescription of the Use Cases in R.M.SDescription of the Elements of the Level 0 Dataflow DiagramDescription of the elements of the Level 1 Dataflow DiagramHiring Company TableData Dictionary for Hiring Company TableCandidate TableData Dictionary for Candidate TableExamination TableData Dictionary for Examination TableResult TableData Dictionary for Result TableQuestions TableData Dictionary for Questions TableDescri ... Continue reading---


      LIST OF FIGURES - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]LIST OF FIGURESFigure 2.1:    Overview of the Steps that compose the Knowledge Discovery Process   Figure 2.2:    Architecture of a Typical Data Mining System    Figure 2.3:    Data mining and Talent Management    Figure 2.4:    Role of Decision Support in Decision Making    Figure 2.5:    Architecture of a Typical Decision Support System    Figure 2.6:    Client Server Architecture   Figure 2.7:    3-Tier Architecture   Figure 2.8:    Distributed Object ... Continue reading---


      TABLE OF CONTENTS - [ Total Page(s): 2 ]TABLE OF CONTENTSCertification    Acknowledgement    Abstract    List of Tables    List of Figures    CHAPTER ONE    INTRODUCTION   1.1    Background of Study   1.2    Problem Statement    1.3    Aim and Objectives of the Study    1.4    Methodology    1.5    Scope and Limitation of Study    1.6    Justification    CHAPTER 2    LITERATURE REVIEW     2.1    Preamble    2.2    Theoretical Background of Recruitment    ... Continue reading---


      CHAPTER ONE - [ Total Page(s): 2 ]1.3    Aim and Objectives of the StudyThe aim of the project is to provide organizations and educational parastatals with the means to determine which Higher Institution provide the best graduates in a particular field for recruitment.Below are the outlined objectives of the project:1.    To provide a platform for capturing profiles of applicants.2.    To create an online recruitment test based system based on organizational requirements.3.    Provide applicants with results ... Continue reading---


      CHAPTER TWO - [ Total Page(s): 18 ]    Distributed Object ArchitectureThere is no distinction in distributed object architectures between tween clients and servers.Each distributable entity is an object that provides services to other objects and receivesservices from other objects. Object communication is through a middleware system called an object request broker; however distributed object architectures are more complex to design sign than Client-server systems.    Peer to Peer ArchitectureThe client-server ... Continue reading---


      CHAPTER FOUR - [ Total Page(s): 16 ]The View/Update Registered Candidates in Fig 4.8 displays all candidates registered by a company and the exams to be written. Candidate’s information can also be updated by clicking on the update icon (yellow icon) on the last row of the table. So also candidate’s information can be deleted by clicking on the deleted icon which is above the update iconThe candidate dashboard displayed in fig 4.9 shows the different operations that can be performed by a candidate there are basic ... Continue reading---


      CHAPTER FIVE - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]CHAPTER FIVESUMMARY CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION5.1    SummaryRecruitment needs of an organization are specific to that particular organization no other entity can understand the recruitment need of a particular organization better than the organization itself. In order to provide a system that enables organizations take charge of their recruitment needs by eliminating the need for recruitment agencies this project provides a platform with which such organizations can administer recruitm ... Continue reading---


      REFRENCES - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]REFERENCESâ„–naka , I. , and H. Takeuchi . (1995) . The knowledge-creating company: How Japanese companies create the dynamics of innovation. New York : Oxford University Press .Abell, A., & Oxbrow, N. (2001). Competing with knowledge: The information professional in the knowledge management age. London: Library Association Publishing.Adebayo, Ejiofor, & Mbachu. (2001, â„–vember 23). The American Productivity and Quality Centre. Retrieved August 23, 2015, from APQC Web site: http://www ... Continue reading---