• Design And Implementation Of A Computer Troubleshooting Intelligent System

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 2]

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      The computer troubleshooting intelligent system (CTIS) is focused only on the troubleshooting of computer related problems. It covers the description of problems associated with hardware components. This research work has the following limitations;
      i    It does not cover the description of network problems
      ii    It does not extend to the design of an expert system that can replace faulty computer parts with new ones.
      iii    Lack of funds to finance the project and widen its scope.
      iv    Limited time constraint.
      i.    COPMUTER: A computer refers to an electronic machine capable of accepting data (information) as input, processes the information under a laid down instructions, and thereby produces the result as output. It also stores the data or information for future use.
      ii.    TROUBLESHOOTING: Troubleshooting here refers to the process of diagnosing the source of a problem. It is a technique used to fix problems associated with hardware, software and many other products. Troubleshooting can also be defined as a form of problem solving, often applied to repair failed product or processes. It is a logical, systematic search for the source of a problem so that it can be solved, and so the product or process can be made operational again.
      iii. INTELLIGENT SYSTEM:  An intelligent system can be defined as the ability of a computer or other machine to perform those activities that are normally thought to require human intelligence. It is the branch of computer science concerned with the development of a computer system that emulates the thought process of human beings (machines that behaves like humans).
      iv.  KNOWLEDGEBASE: A knowledgebase can be defined as a centralized repository for information. In this context, it is a database of related information about problems associated with computer hardware and software. It is an organised collection of facts about the system’s problem.
      v.   INFERENCE ENGINE: An inference engine refers to the set of rules that interprets and evaluates the facts in the knowledgebase in order to provide an answer.
      vi.     FUZZYLOGIC: Fuzzy logic can be defined as a type of reasoning (logic) that is based on imprecise proposition or inference (conclusion). It extends to the concept of partial truth. Fuzzy logic is based on fuzzy-set theory.

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 2]

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    • ABSRACT - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]Detection of personal computer (PC) hardware problems is a complicated process which demands high level of knowledge and skills. Depending on the know-how of the technician, a simple problem could take hours or even days to solve. The aim is to develop an expert system for troubleshooting and diagnosing personal computers thereby assisting personal computer owners in dealing with their computer problems especially when the time is l ... Continue reading---