• Application Of Computer –based Examination System

  • CHAPTER TWO -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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    • The Dallas country county community college distinct begun considering various biometrics options for online examination in 1999 (Tulloch and Thompson, 1999). Brooks (1997) proposed face recognition as an automatic verification method during examination, in installing digital cameras, so that students photographs becomes part of the school examination records (Thomas, 2001).
      Two different types of examination situations can benefit from biometric identification. Biometric systems could be used to authenticate a student’s identify when entering or leaving a large group examination hall or a supervised computerized examination facility. Also biometrics could be used as part of a security system to supervise students while they are writing entrance examination online. Each of the biometric options has specific capabilities that makes each of them better for some situation than for others. Online examination is the most reliable for all the schools examination situations. The objective is to replace proctoring during a school examination with an automated system. Biometrics system to protect access to the internet and world wide web services have been developed, the systems are based on finger prints (Jam and Hong. 1996) hard geometry (Jain, Prabhackar and Ross, 1998) and voice (Boves and Koolwai, 1998).
      There are concerns, which makes the school examination applications different from other biometrics applications. The users must login applications benefits from protection by a security system and choose not to defect it. In most cases, the people trying to defect these system are non-users. With online examination, however, it may be to users advantages not to detect the system.
      Enrollment should occur before the students has even begun class. Every effort should be made that the enrollment process is well  supervised and verified. The ideal system needs to be capable of providing continuing, transparent, positive identification of the person sitting at the computer keyboard. Ideally, the examination would not begin until the student is identified positively. Then, while each question is being answered, the system would provide continuing periodic positive identification of the students. The students should be able to read in between questions. Only a camera-based system can provide this type of identification. A small video camera, mounted on the top of the monitor could capture the student’s image at certain time intervals without interrupting their work (Richards, 1997), since nearly all video camera installations include a microphone with a sound board, layering face recognition with speaker verification could provide more accuracy in the future without adding to the student’s hardware expenditure.
      As cited earlier, in this study, accuracy is also improved in biometric recognition by using multiple image captures for comparison. In an online examination situation many images would be captured at random times. Recognitions of the majority of the others would be used as a declaration of recognition of the examiner.

  • CHAPTER TWO -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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    • ABSRACT - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]ABSTRACTElectronic supported assessment or E-assessment is a field of growing importance. preparing manual test is a difficult task to handle and a time consuming process for teachers, in which they have to prepare both fair and consistent exam for each class. Besides, even is the teacher can prepare a sufficient exam, it is difficult to prevent students from cheating and if teachers cannot prevent them from doing this injustice, it will occur again and again. With this new system, the problem o ... Continue reading---


      APPENDIX A - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]APPENDIX 1 FLOWCHART ... Continue reading---


      TABLE OF CONTENTS - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]TABLE OF CONTENTSTitle page   Certification    Approval page    Dedication    Acknowledgement   Abstract    Table of contents    CHAPTER ONE1.0.    Introduction    1.1.    Historical Background of case study    1.2.    Objective of the study    1.3.    Importance of study    1.4.    Scope and limitation of study    1.5.    Statement of the problems    1.6.    Organizational structure of case study    1.7.    Definition of terms   ... Continue reading---


      CHAPTER ONE - [ Total Page(s): 5 ]SCHOOL ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY❖    Civil Engineering Technology❖    Computer Engineering Technology❖    Mechanical Engineering TechnologySCHOOL OF ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN AND TECHNOLOGY❖    Architecture❖    Building Technology❖    Estate Management❖    Quality Surveying❖    Urban and Regional Planning❖    Surveying and Geo-informaticsSCHOOL OF FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY❖    Food Science and TechnologySCHOOL OF ... Continue reading---


      CHAPTER THREE - [ Total Page(s): 2 ]SECONDARY SOURCES OF DATA COLLECTION: Data from secondary source were collected from extensive use of library material documents released to the course of study. The essence of the secondary source of data collection is to make it possible for the researcher to examine some of the related literature on the system. It is also method used or employed where data obtained indirectly from the original source.EXAMPLES OF PRIMARY SOURCE OF DATA COLLECTIONINTERVIEW METHOD: In view to investigation, offi ... Continue reading---


      CHAPTER FOUR - [ Total Page(s): 8 ]CHAPTER FOUR4.0.    SYSTEM ANALYSIS/DESIGNSYSTEM: Is a group of interrelated components working together towards a common goal by accepting input and producing output in an organized transformation process. Basically, there are (3) major components in every system namely inputs, processing and output. In the system the different components are connected to each other.ANALYSIS: Is the process of breaking a complex system into smaller components to gain a better understanding of the system.SYST ... Continue reading---


      CHAPTER FIVE - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]CHAPTER FIVE5.0.    SUMMARYThe computer based examination system has been designed and implemented in this project work. The exercise was carried out based on the loopholes that is in the existing system. Number of problems encountered in the manual system process which are delayed in the release of results, malpractices, cost implication of printing examination materials and human errors. This brings about the need for automation of the examination system. The new system will result in the f ... Continue reading---


      REFRENCES - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]REFERENCESConole, G. & Warburton, B. (2005). A review of computer Assisted Assessment, ALT-s, Research in learning Technology, 13(1), 17-31.Dallas, (1999) Science Education (1997).Fluck, A., Pullen O, and Harper, C. (2009) Case study of computer based examination system. Australasian Journal of education technology, 25 (4) 509-523.Frosini, G., Lazzerini B. Marcelloni F., (1989), Performing automatic exams, computers and education , (13(1). P.45-52. Gray, (1998) Maintaining academic integrity in ... Continue reading---