• Application Of Computer –based Examination System

  • CHAPTER THREE -- [Total Page(s) 2]

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      The concept research methodology is simply referred to the specification of the relevant procedures for collection and analysis of information (data) which would help solve the research problem at hand (Agburu, 2001). The main reason for the analysis is to find out what information the system should manage, what to find in the search and how to execute those objectives. For the researcher to achieve all these stated above, I made use of the internationally accepted software engineering model, which Structured System Analysis and Design Methodology (SSADM). Structured System Analysis and Design Methodology (SSADM) is a system approach to the analysis and design information system. SSADM methods involves the application of a sequence of analysis, documentation and Design tasks concerned with analysis of the current system, logical data design and local process design etc.
      Investigation is defined as an act of trying to discover facts, information etc, by study or research. Hence, the system investigation is the in depth and through custody of the strength and weakness of an existing system regarding its procedures in working. To introduce a system that will help to improve the already existing one, its inputs and outputs with the objective of maximizing it efficiency through an organized transformation process. Basically two phases are involved in system investigation. They are:
      1.    The System Definition Phases: This is the first phase of system investigation.
      It is at this stage the researcher defines the problem of the old system as identified by the department. The purpose of the study is to establish the need for a new system and specify the objectives.
      It is usually the initial study carried out to identify the problem of the old system and the causes of such problems the objectives is to conduct as preliminary analysis, prose alternatives solution.
      2.    Feasibility Study: it involves the study of existing system from which the
      researcher was able to develop a model for the new system. This aids investigating the project in sufficient depth to be able to provide information that justifies the development of the new system and show why the old system should not continue. However, this stage help to examine sand determine the validity, workability and acceptability of the new system.
      3.2.    SOURCES OF DATA
      PRIMARY SOURCE OF DATA COLLECTION: Primary source of data collection for this project were obtained directly from first hand information, through interview, observation and questionnaires. The major reason for collecting data through first hand information for this projects work is to gain an insight into the problems under study. In other word, it makes the project to be original and also provide firsthand information about all, the related key issues involved in the study.

  • CHAPTER THREE -- [Total Page(s) 2]

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    • ABSRACT - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]ABSTRACTElectronic supported assessment or E-assessment is a field of growing importance. preparing manual test is a difficult task to handle and a time consuming process for teachers, in which they have to prepare both fair and consistent exam for each class. Besides, even is the teacher can prepare a sufficient exam, it is difficult to prevent students from cheating and if teachers cannot prevent them from doing this injustice, it will occur again and again. With this new system, the problem o ... Continue reading---


      APPENDIX A - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]APPENDIX 1 FLOWCHART ... Continue reading---


      TABLE OF CONTENTS - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]TABLE OF CONTENTSTitle page   Certification    Approval page    Dedication    Acknowledgement   Abstract    Table of contents    CHAPTER ONE1.0.    Introduction    1.1.    Historical Background of case study    1.2.    Objective of the study    1.3.    Importance of study    1.4.    Scope and limitation of study    1.5.    Statement of the problems    1.6.    Organizational structure of case study    1.7.    Definition of terms   ... Continue reading---


      CHAPTER ONE - [ Total Page(s): 5 ]SCHOOL ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY❖    Civil Engineering Technology❖    Computer Engineering Technology❖    Mechanical Engineering TechnologySCHOOL OF ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN AND TECHNOLOGY❖    Architecture❖    Building Technology❖    Estate Management❖    Quality Surveying❖    Urban and Regional Planning❖    Surveying and Geo-informaticsSCHOOL OF FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY❖    Food Science and TechnologySCHOOL OF ... Continue reading---


      CHAPTER TWO - [ Total Page(s): 3 ]There is a self reported cheating of 45% occasional cheater and 33% students who cheats often on the Rutgers campus of 33,500 students. In 1990, only 80 cases of cheating were reported (Fishbein, 1994). In a survey by Micabe and Trevino (1995) a student noted, “it does not pay to be honest in school, because, with certain forms of cheating, the chances of getting caught are slim to none”. (Micabe and Trevino, 1995, P.7). Take home paper examination (Marsh, 1988) found experimentally ... Continue reading---


      CHAPTER FOUR - [ Total Page(s): 8 ]CHAPTER FOUR4.0.    SYSTEM ANALYSIS/DESIGNSYSTEM: Is a group of interrelated components working together towards a common goal by accepting input and producing output in an organized transformation process. Basically, there are (3) major components in every system namely inputs, processing and output. In the system the different components are connected to each other.ANALYSIS: Is the process of breaking a complex system into smaller components to gain a better understanding of the system.SYST ... Continue reading---


      CHAPTER FIVE - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]CHAPTER FIVE5.0.    SUMMARYThe computer based examination system has been designed and implemented in this project work. The exercise was carried out based on the loopholes that is in the existing system. Number of problems encountered in the manual system process which are delayed in the release of results, malpractices, cost implication of printing examination materials and human errors. This brings about the need for automation of the examination system. The new system will result in the f ... Continue reading---


      REFRENCES - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]REFERENCESConole, G. & Warburton, B. (2005). A review of computer Assisted Assessment, ALT-s, Research in learning Technology, 13(1), 17-31.Dallas, (1999) Science Education (1997).Fluck, A., Pullen O, and Harper, C. (2009) Case study of computer based examination system. Australasian Journal of education technology, 25 (4) 509-523.Frosini, G., Lazzerini B. Marcelloni F., (1989), Performing automatic exams, computers and education , (13(1). P.45-52. Gray, (1998) Maintaining academic integrity in ... Continue reading---