• Challenges Of Cooperative Extension Services; Causes And Prospects

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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                  The major problems of cooperative societies include among others;
      •    Inadequate financing
      •     Unqualified/inexperienced management committee
      •    Uncommitted membership 
      •    Lack of clear policy guideline on cooperatives
      •    Government attitudes towards cooperatives development
      •    Lack of infrastructural facilities like regular and stable electricity, accessible roads, pipe-borne water etc.
      The aim and objectives are the following:-
      •    To provide adequate security on records of the union.
      •    To reduce any attempt of misplacement of data.
      •    To ease the problems of loan acquisition.
      •    To make data validation easier and faster
      •    To computerize the system that will ensure prompt and accurate withdraw of money.
      If the purposes of this system are achieved, it is point to be of a great importance to the management of the thrift collection system.
      -           To the management of the thrift collection system.  It is necessary to investigate their budget planning and execution and evaluate their effectiveness. This system will determine why thrift collection system does not thrive as other co-operative societies.
      Moreover, the committee members will know that thrift collection system must achieve their objective in order to justify the existence.
      To the members of co-operative thrift and loan society, through this study they will know that they have an important role to play in order to insure the viability of the co-operative thrift and loan society.  According to self-help value of co-operative, there must be co-operation between them and the management
      LOAN: A sun of money issued to a person on credit with an accompanying duration of time for repayments to be done.
      THRIFT: It refers to a prudent economy that is, the habit of saving money and spending it carefully.
      SAVINGS: This is the monthly amount that member is keeping or saving in the society as his/ her assets
      COOPERATIVE SOCIETY: A co-operative society is an association of person who voluntarily joried to achieve a common goal through the formation of a democratically controlled organization making equitable contribution of the capital required and accepting a fair share of the risk and benefit of the undertaking in which the members actively participate.

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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    • ABSRACT - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]ABSTARCT WILL BE HERE SOON ... Continue reading---


      TABLE OF CONTENTS - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]COMING SOON ... Continue reading---


      CHAPTER TWO - [ Total Page(s): 10 ]vi. Housing cooperative societies: These societies were formed for the procurement of land for the construction of houses on a homogeneous basis. These societies are formed by those members who intend to construct their own home. These societies provide loan to the members for the construction of houses. These also purchases, construction materials in bulk and provide these materials to its members at cheaper rates.vii. Insurance cooperative societies: This society make contract with insurance c ... Continue reading---


      CHAPTER THREE - [ Total Page(s): 8 ]3.6.3 DATA FLOW DIAGRAM ANALYSISData Flow Diagram(DFD) show the way data is moving within the system. It essentially helps users to understand how the system works and probably suggest necessary modifications. ... Continue reading---


      CHAPTER FOUR - [ Total Page(s): 10 ]4.3.7    View users This is a page whereby the admin check the total number of the members in the cooperative registered. The page will help to make checking users by admin easier and faster. It displays the member’s registered details. ... Continue reading---


      CHAPTER FIVE - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]CHAPTER FIVESUMMARY, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION5.1    SUMMARYThis project analyzed the need of a system which would help enhance the process cooperative society within University of Ilorin. The system helps to save, request for loan and other commodities needed by the members of the cooperative.     We have encountered difficulties but were able to come up with a system that is simple to use. However, we are very confident that the application will help the users including administrator ... Continue reading---


      REFRENCES - [ Total Page(s): 2 ]REFERENCESAdebayo, S.T., Chinedum, O.H., Dabo, C.S.P., & Pascal, H. (2010). Cooperative Association as a Tool For Rural Development and Poverty Reduction in Rwanda: A study of Abahuzamugambi ba Kawa in Maraba Sector Educational Research, 1(11), 600-608. Adedayo, A., & Yusuf, O.R. (2004). Cooperatives and Poverty Alleviation in Alleviation and food Production in Sub-Saharan Africa: Seminar paper on Risk Assessment of Global Agrifood Production Chains. Department of Economics and Management, Unive ... Continue reading---