• Challenges Of Cooperative Extension Services; Causes And Prospects

  • CHAPTER TWO -- [Total Page(s) 10]

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    • Ghana
      In Ghana, credit and thrift societies are owned, managed and controlled by the people of the areas in which they are located. They are responsible for financing cooperatives as well as members within each catchment area. Thus, the main task of these credit co-operatives were to mobilize savings from the area and to on-lend such savings to deserving customers of the area, to enable them improve their productivity. These credit cooperatives ensure that credits are made to agriculture and other priority rural activities and also to the small rural borrower. To enhance borrowers’ effective utilization of loans, a proper monitoring is carried out and assistance in terms of procuring needed inputs is also offered (Agwu, 2006).
      The most widespread application of co-operative thrift society has been in India, where the problem of peasant indebtedness and greedy money lenders has been a particularly serious issue. In India, cooperative banks and loan societies actually made an in-road into the rural areas, mainly as a result of official initiative and encouragement. The structures of co-operative banks were biased in favour of their occupations, which are agricultural co-operatives, employee’s co-operatives, business co-operatives and industrial co-operatives The co-operative credit structure for short and medium term credit is a three tier federal one. With a State cooperative bank at the apex in each state, the central cooperatives at the district level, and the primary credit societies at the base. This has greatly improved the financing of agriculture and small scale enterprises and led to rising trend in output. India is currently a net exporter of food and almost self-sufficient in industrial goods.
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    • ABSRACT - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]ABSTARCT WILL BE HERE SOON ... Continue reading---


      TABLE OF CONTENTS - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]COMING SOON ... Continue reading---


      CHAPTER ONE - [ Total Page(s): 3 ]Educating, training and retraining of members in general and officers in particular is always a challenge to cooperatives especially in developing countries. A cooperative without a strong component of education is in danger of losing its essential character, that is, the human and personal characteristics which distinguish it as a cooperative. Education is of paramount importance to the cooperative sector. Unless all those responsible for cooperatives (directors, officers, members ... Continue reading---


      CHAPTER THREE - [ Total Page(s): 8 ]3.6.3 DATA FLOW DIAGRAM ANALYSISData Flow Diagram(DFD) show the way data is moving within the system. It essentially helps users to understand how the system works and probably suggest necessary modifications. ... Continue reading---


      CHAPTER FOUR - [ Total Page(s): 10 ]4.3.7    View users This is a page whereby the admin check the total number of the members in the cooperative registered. The page will help to make checking users by admin easier and faster. It displays the member’s registered details. ... Continue reading---


      CHAPTER FIVE - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]CHAPTER FIVESUMMARY, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION5.1    SUMMARYThis project analyzed the need of a system which would help enhance the process cooperative society within University of Ilorin. The system helps to save, request for loan and other commodities needed by the members of the cooperative.     We have encountered difficulties but were able to come up with a system that is simple to use. However, we are very confident that the application will help the users including administrator ... Continue reading---


      REFRENCES - [ Total Page(s): 2 ]REFERENCESAdebayo, S.T., Chinedum, O.H., Dabo, C.S.P., & Pascal, H. (2010). Cooperative Association as a Tool For Rural Development and Poverty Reduction in Rwanda: A study of Abahuzamugambi ba Kawa in Maraba Sector Educational Research, 1(11), 600-608. Adedayo, A., & Yusuf, O.R. (2004). Cooperatives and Poverty Alleviation in Alleviation and food Production in Sub-Saharan Africa: Seminar paper on Risk Assessment of Global Agrifood Production Chains. Department of Economics and Management, Unive ... Continue reading---