Effect Of The National Programme On Food Security On Food Production
This study was conducted basically to determine the effect of the National Programme on Food Security (NPFS) on output/food product. Its specific objectives include identifying how the NPFS has helped in increasing output and the problems associated with the NPFS. The main instrument for the collection of primary data is the questionnaire. Data were collected from 72 farmers selected through a combination of cluster and random sampling techniques, from a population of about 7290 farmers constituting the farmers in Anambra state presently benefitting from the NPFS. Data were analysed with frequencies, simple percentages, tables, descriptive and inferential statistics, and regression analysis. The regression analysis was used to determine the variables that accounted for increase in output. The model used in the regression is Y1 = α + β1x1 + β2x2 ... + β11x11 + ei .where Y is the output which is the dependent variable, x1 x2 x3...xn are the independent variables representing the socio-economic characteristics of the farmers and the various services provided by the NPFS. Chi square was used in testing the hypothesis. The result shows that the NPFS has significantly increased food production/output. The researcher thereby recommends that more NPFS demonstration sites be established and also that the services provided by the NPFS should be made more adequate and accessible to the farmers.
APPENDIX A - [ Total Page(s): 3 ]APPENDIX IQUESTIONNAIRE Dept of Cooperative Economics and Management Nnamdi Azikiwe University ... Continue reading---
APPENDIX A - [ Total Page(s): 3 ]APPENDIX IQUESTIONNAIRE Dept of Cooperative Economics and Management Nnamdi Azikiwe University ... Continue reading---
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