Effect Of The National Programme On Food Security On Food Production
3.1 Introduction
This chapter is devoted to explaining the method employed by the researcher in carrying out this research work.
3.2 Area of the Study
The study was conducted in Anambra state. Anambra state is in the South East Geo-political zone of Nigeria. Its capital city is Awka. The state has 21 local government areas grouped under 3 senatorial districts, with a population of about 4,182,032, according to the 2006 census figure. The major tribe is Ibo.
Most towns in the state are rural; some are sub-urban while only a few are urban. There is a high concentration of the people in the few urban and sub- urban areas; this is as a result of the high rate of rural-urban drift in search of greener pastures and white collar jobs. The people are engaged in all kinds of ventures, trades and businesses, but the major occupation of the rural masses is farming of all kinds. The farmers in the state are mostly peasant farmers using mostly traditional methods and implements; it is only a few that are engaged in commercial farming with mechanised implements and methods. The people are very hard working.
3.3 Population of the Study
The population of this study comprises of all farmers in Anambra state belonging to cooperative groups registered with the Ministry of Trade/ cooperatives who are presently benefitting from the National Programme on Food Security (NPFS).
There are 9 NPFS demonstration sites in the state, the sites are at Nteje, Amansea, Agulu, Omasi, Igbariam, Ozubulu, Ogboji, Ukwulu and Umudim- Nnewi; that is 3 sites in each of the senatorial districts. Each site is made up of 30 cooperative groups and each group is made up of between 25 – 30 farmer members. There are therefore about 270 cooperative groups under the NPFS in the state with approximately 7290 farmers. It is these 7290 farmers that constitute the population for this study.
3.4 Sample Size Determination and Sampling Procedure
The researcher selected 3 demonstration sites. The selected sites are Nteje, Ukwulu and Agulu, one from each senatorial district. 10 cooperative groups were selected in each of the 3 selected demonstration sites, bringing the number of selected groups to a total of 30 groups. 3 farmers were selected from each group. This gave a total of 90 farmers. In order words, the researcher used 90 farmers as sample for this research work. A sample size of 30 is considered adequate by the researcher. This is because according to Umebali (2008) a sample size of more than 30 can be used provided it gives a reliable result
Both cluster sampling and simple random sampling techniques were used. The clusters were based on the 3 senatorial districts, therefore 3 clusters were formed. From each of the clusters, 10 groups were randomly picked by drawing slips containing the names of the cooperative groups from a container. 3 farmers were also selected from each of the groups by drawing their names from a container.
3.5 Sources of Data
Data were collected from both primary and secondary sources. The main instrument for the collection of primary data was the questionnaire specifically designed for this study. In addition to this, the researcher obtained information through enquiries and conversation with the farmers and facilitators of the NPFS. Secondary data were obtained from journals, readings, papers, textbooks etc.
3.6 Method of Data Analysis
Data were analysed based on the questionnaires that were returned. Out of the 90 questionnaires distributed for this research, 72 making 80% of the distributed questionnaires were returned while 18 questionnaires were not returned. Analysis was done with the use of tables, percentages, inferential statistics, frequencies, compound bar chart, likert scale and regression.
A production function was used to identify the variables and services provided by the NPFS that have an effect on food production/output and other variables that can as well have an effect on output. Output was used as the dependent variable while age, sex, marital status, farming experience measured in terms of the number of years as a farmer, educational qualification, farm size measured in hectare, the services provided by the NPFS (T & V, Supervision, Farmer filled school, Linkage, credit) were used as the independent variables.
To quantify these services, attributes were assigned to them. The attributes were in turn quantified.
The structure of the regression equation used for the analysis is presented below;
Y1 = α + β1x1 + β2x2 + β3x3 + β4x4 + β5x5 + β6x6 + β7x7 + β8x8 + β9x9 + β10x10 +
β11x11 + ei Where
Y1 = Output X1 = age
X2 = sex
X3 = marital status
X4 = farming experience
X5 = educational qualification X6 = farmsize
X7 = credit
X8 = linkage to suppliers of input X9 = extension services
X10 = supervision
X11 = farmer filled school
ABSRACT - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]ABSTRACTThis study was conducted basically to determine the effect of the National Programme on Food Security (NPFS) on output/food product. Its specific objectives include identifying how the NPFS has helped in increasing output and the problems associated with the NPFS. The main instrument for the collection of primary data is the questionnaire. Data were collected from 72 farmers selected through a combination of cluster and random sampling techniques, from a population of about 7290 farmers ... Continue reading---
ABSRACT - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]ABSTRACTThis study was conducted basically to determine the effect of the National Programme on Food Security (NPFS) on output/food product. Its specific objectives include identifying how the NPFS has helped in increasing output and the problems associated with the NPFS. The main instrument for the collection of primary data is the questionnaire. Data were collected from 72 farmers selected through a combination of cluster and random sampling techniques, from a population of about 7290 farmers ... Continue reading---
CHAPTER THREE -- [Total Page(s) 1]
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CHAPTER THREE -- [Total Page(s) 1]
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