Effect Of The National Programme On Food Security On Food Production
Table 4.7 shows the problems associated with cooperative farming. From the table, lack of cooperative spirit ranked first. Other major problems from the responses are; they are not used to it, lack of members commitment, how to measure each member’s contribution and apportion reward.
Table 4.8 shows responses on how adequate the NPFS assistance is. 54.17% respondents said linkage to suppliers of improved input is very adequate, 15.28% that it is adequate while 30.56% are of the view that it is inadequate.
4.17% of the respondents are of the view that the credit received is very adequate, 16.67% said it is adequate and 79.17% are of the view that credit received from the NPFS is inadequate. On the adequacy of T & V, 56.94% believe that T & V is very adequate, 31.94% that it is adequate, while 11.11% says it is inadequate. 6.94% are of the view that supervision is very adequate, 77.78% says it is adequate while 15.28% says it is inadequate. 26.39% of the respondents say that FFS is very adequate, 52.78% that it is adequate, 20.83% that it is inadequate.
ABSRACT - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]ABSTRACTThis study was conducted basically to determine the effect of the National Programme on Food Security (NPFS) on output/food product. Its specific objectives include identifying how the NPFS has helped in increasing output and the problems associated with the NPFS. The main instrument for the collection of primary data is the questionnaire. Data were collected from 72 farmers selected through a combination of cluster and random sampling techniques, from a population of about 7290 farmers ... Continue reading---
ABSRACT - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]ABSTRACTThis study was conducted basically to determine the effect of the National Programme on Food Security (NPFS) on output/food product. Its specific objectives include identifying how the NPFS has helped in increasing output and the problems associated with the NPFS. The main instrument for the collection of primary data is the questionnaire. Data were collected from 72 farmers selected through a combination of cluster and random sampling techniques, from a population of about 7290 farmers ... Continue reading---