The Role Of The Churches In Combatting Corruption Among Political Leaders
CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 2]
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From the observation of Achebe, it is understood that the common man looks
up to the rulling elite to learn and be directed to avoid corruption.
But such expectation from the leadership in Nigeria has failed.
Democracy which supposed to be the government of the people, has failed
in Nigeria. When the first generation rulers in Nigeria became corrupt,
Major Chukwuma Nzogwu and his military colleagues struck. Nzogwu in his
broadcast pointed out that they have come to save Nigerians from the
hands of inept and corrupt leadership. Nzeogwu cited by Uju in (Ugwu,
2002: 3) opined that “Our enemies are the political profiteers, the swindlers,
the men in high and low places that seek bribes and demand 10 percent,
those that have corrupted our society and put the country back by their
words and deedsâ€.The above statement was contained in the national
broadcast of Chukwuma Nzogwu on 15th January 1960.The aim therefore was
to give good governance to the vast majority of Nigerians. However, the
military consistently failed to salvage the masses in their political
governance.Corruption and abuse of power has long been features in
Nigeria. Joseph, R. S and Taylor, A. A. (1996: 9) has described Nigeria
as an “unfinished state and as a truculent African state tragedyâ€.
(Ayittey, 2006: 2) posited that in the midst of abundant human and
material resources, efforts at building a democratic polity further
entrapped it at the “political cross¬roadsâ€. Yet, with enormous wealth
from oil resources, economic endowment, social and political strength,
Nigeria has not qualified to be called the giant of Africa. Kew (2006:
12) has noted that: The giant was brought to its Knees by 20 years
brutal and corrupt military rule, which left a legacy of executive
dominance and a political corruption in the hands of Nigeria’s so-
called “godfathers†powerful political bosses sitting a top vast
patronage networks who view the government primarily through the lens of
the own personal enrichment.
As a result of the instability, the focus of the leadership became parochial with
the overriding consideration for personal survival rather than national
development. Attempts at promoting “democratic consolidation†were
hampered by the personality cult of the emerging political gladiators
who exploited the instrument of state power to promote their personal
Nigeria’s political elite, as Skiar (2006: 3) observed Vie
for power and control over the vast spoils of officeâ€. The centralized
political and economic structures “made the military and civilian
individuals who controlled key state posts fabulously wealthy, while 70%
of Nigerians fell into abject poverty.
Poor leadership has led to stagnation, and alienation of the citizenry, causing
low level of sense of belonging and none identifying with the political
system (Mayer, 1996: 10). According to Kew (2006:21): The Nigerian
government remains distant from serving the interest of its people. The
powerful mandarin who built vast patronage networks during the military
days and their personal fortunes dominates politics at the federal
state, and local levels of the Nigerian federation. Moreover, many of
those so-called “godfathers†have been cultivating personal militias to
secure their positions, promoting a local arm race in some regions. even
though several governors one under indictment for money laundering
abroad and others are being investigated at home. The bonanza continues
at public coffers for these power holders, while basic infrastructure in
many parts of the country remains as dilapidated as it was under
military rule.
It is the situation that Ake (1995: 2-5) indicated as
the product of the pattern of state affairs in the developing world.
According to him, the high premium on political power, and the attendant
intense struggle for it, further hinders national development for the
promotion of the personal interests of the political leaders. Eke
further observed that:
Besieged by a multitude of hostility forces,
most of the leaders in Africa are political insecure. They are as
completely engrossed in the struggle for survival that they are hardly
able to address the problem of development.
Skiar (2006: 3-4) noted that the leadership problem in the Nigerian polity
a manifestation of the dysfunctional pattern of the years of military
interregnum. The leadership pattern in Nigeria lacks the necessary focus
capable of instilling national development and promotes political
stability. Rather,
Nigerian leaders are preoccupied with their
desires for the appropriation and privatization of the Nigerian state.
The fall of the second Republic, for instance, was precipitated by the
pervasive corruption and, the attendant political violence that greeted
electoral manipulations, in a bid to stick to power (Ayeni, 1988: 30).
CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 2]
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ABSRACT - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]The rate at which corruption spread among political leaders in Anambra state has frayed nerves and subjected the people to fear and trepidation. Avarice, greed and the get-rich quick syndrome have been identified as major causative factors. Hence the topic, “The role of the Churches in combating Corruption among Political leaders in Anambra State, Nigeria. The methods of data collection for the study include both primary and secondary sources. Primary data were obtained through oral interv ... Continue reading---