Longman dictionary defines culture is
the ideals, belief and customs that are shared and accepted by the
people in a society. In the olden days, the purpose on earth is to
procreate, which means that as one is begotten so also be beget.
this respect, the more wives and children one has, the more fulfilled
and worthwhile. A life he considered to have lived life itself is
presumed to have a purpose and man is bound to find a purpose for his
However, lack of knowledge has affected the large number of
female students in technical education. More so, only the lazy ones are
sent to school then, so females are hard working and they are trained in
trading that is why we have low enrolment of female students in
technical schools.
According to BBC dictionary religions is a belief in a God or gods and the activities connected with this belief or a strong belief in a God or gods either Christianically, Islamically or Traditionally.
Islam is the religion of the Muslims which teaches that there is only one God and that Mohammed is the prophet of God. Christianity is a religion based on the teachings of Jesus Christ and on belief that he is the son of God. Traditionalism is behaviour and ideas that support old customs and belief rather than moderns ones .also the customs and belief have existed for a very long time without changing.
The successful planning and implementation of so many educational programmes came to failure after a short while due to poor administration and altitude of government towards educational policy, some ideal programmes collapse after a few periods either because of change in government or due to non adequate fund to carry on the programme.
The levels of technical education suggested how effective management activities could be pitched for effective control and accountability. While we yearn for expansion technical school, we ought to find means. Sufficient means to equip it and manage it well to help it to survive and to sustain our desired needs of industrialization and introductory technology.
Thus the essence of this study is to identify the factors affecting low enrolment of female students in Erin Ile Technical School and the support given to them by government and parent towards the growth and development of the school in order to reduce the factors facing low enrolment of female students Erin Ile Technical School.
The study intends to find answers to the following questions.
1. Does social factor affect low enrolment of female students in Erin Ile Technical School?
2. Does cultural/traditional factor contribute to low enrolment of female students in Erin Ile Technical School?
3. Does Religion factor also encourage low enrolment of female students in Erin Ile Technical School?
a. There is no significant difference in the contribution of social factors to the low enrolment of female students in Erin Ile Technical School.
b. There is no significant difference in the contribution of cultural/traditional factors to the low enrolment of female students in Erin Ile Technical School.
c. There is no significant difference in the contribution of religion factors to the low enrolment of female students in Erin Ile Technical School.
The purpose of this study is to identify factors influencing low enrolment of female student in Erin Ile Technical School in Oyun Local Government Area, Kwara state. Specifically in this study the researcher will identify this factor base on:
This study is to identify some of the factors that affect enrolment of female students in Erin Ile Technical School. This study would be of help to the government and to create awareness on the factors affecting low enrolment of female students in Erin Ile Technical School and how to encourage them to enrol.
Secondly, this study would help the home and society to encourage the enrolment of female students into Technical School. It will also enlighten the females to understand Technical School is not meant for only males.