The Review of related literature would be under the following subheadings
• The aims and objective of establishing Technical Schools
• Need for guidance and counseling in Technical Schools.
• Strategies for motivating female students to be enrolled in technical schools
• Summary of the review
By and large, aims of education are derived from the political economic and social goals of the society, Nation or state. such goals are the better education aims to achieve the stated goals of all level of technical schools offering vocational Technical education had been functioning without a clear and comprehensive definition of aims until 1977.The objectives were directed at the building of a free democratic, just and egalitarian society; A united, strong and self¬-reliant nation, a great and of dynamic economy; and a land of bright and full opportunities for all citizens. The policy defines Technical education as that aspect of education, which lends to the acquisition of practical and applied skills as well as basic scientific knowledge.
It is somehow disporting that policy has not put technical education on a road perspective of the vocational education.
Vocational education should be aimed at the manual as well as mental skills; it should be concerned with value and altitude; and it should include cognitive psychomotor and effective element. This lack of a road concepts of the aim of vocational, Technical education is been realized even by the industrialized societies in that, many of them have not been able to find their fulfillment in education and are some counterbalance of more self-conscious level against the will of power which is characteristic of technological advancement are thus.
1. Provide trained manpower in applied science, technology and commerce, particularly at sub- professional grades.
2. To provide the technical knowledge and vocational skills necessary for agricultural, industrial, commercial and economic development.
3. To provide people who can apply scientific knowledge to the improvement and solution of environment problems for the use and convenience of man.
4. To give introduction to professional studies in engineering and other technologies.
5. To give training and impart the necessary skills leading to the production of crafts non - technician and other skilled personal who will be enterprising and self -reliant.
6. To enable our young men and women to have an intelligent understanding of the increasing complexity of technology.
The aims outlined in the policy are expected to give direction to vocational and technical educational to meet Nigerian's needs for workers at various levels of competency and these will increase the options of students to take up career of their choice.
Nigeria has been and is still on the process of implementing the new national policy on education, this policy document has made some innovative changes in the school system, the curriculum structure has changed the school duration has also changed. Right from primary level the child faces a lot of personal, social and learning problems which the present teachers are not adequately prepared to handle. Children are made to take lesson to start from the rudiments of learning and progress steadily to advance concepts. These entire compounds are the learning difficulties for the child and thereby demands remediation therefore, guidance and counseling to both the teachers and the students in all level of our education system becomes necessary.
Also, a number of dropouts are being witnessed in our educational system. Right from primary school through the university, student's dropout because of various reasons, some of these may not be rooted in the academic inability of the child but on other societal problems. For now there is no concerned individual available who is purely devoted to help students out of their problems. For this, there is a need for guidance and counseling in schools.
Closely related to this is the issue of academic failure and poor performance in our schools. Many students fail examination because they have personal, social and physiological problems and no reliable person within the school system to discuss such problems with. They become so involved in such problems that studying becomes impossible hence failure or poor performance.