• Factors Affecting Low Enrolment Of Female Students In Erin-ile Technical School

  • CHAPTER FOUR -- [Total Page(s) 4]

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          This section gives detailed explanations on the various findings discovered from the research questions raised. For instance, the findings on research question one which states that social factor affect low enrolment of female students in Erin Ile technical school. This finding confirmed the finding that corroborates that of Okeke (2005) citing Aina (2006) opined that since the introduction of technical and vocational education in Nigeria educational system some years ago, participation in technical and vocational education programmes has remained low. More so, Yakubu (2006) reported that the total enrollment figure into technical and vocational education programes in Nigeria as at year 2006 was less than three percent (3%). He further stated that, this figure; in comparism with countries target about fifty percent (50%) participation in technical and vocational education. The finding on the research question two shows that cultural/traditional factor contribute to low enrolment of female student in Erin Ile technical schools. This finding confirmed the finding that corroborates that of Okebukola (2012) opined that education is a process of updating the knowledge and skills of the individual that will be useful to himself or herself and to the community. Education plays an important role in the socio-economic development of a nation. Often, government at vision level commit huge investments to education projects and programmes in order to realize its intended benefits. Notwithstanding improved access to education, female participation in education in most developing countries is still characterized by disparities. Girls continue to constitute the majority of children out-of-school. Girls represent 55 per cent of all children who are out of school worldwide. Available data have indicated that worldwide, for every 100 boys out of school 122 girls are also out of school.
      The finding on the research question three shows that religion factor also encourages low enrolment of female student in Erin Ile Technical School. The finding confirmed with of According to Ediagbonya, Agbaje and Suberu (2012) posited that the inadequacies of facilities/infrastructural materials, qualified teachers and career counselors have equally not helped out in boosting participation of females in technical and vocational programmes. Furthermore, researches by Aina (2006), Amaewhule (2000), Hubert (2006), Olaitan (1992), Oranu (2003) and Yakubu (2006) identified the major factors affecting participation of females in technical and vocational education to include among others; low societal estimation of technical and vocational education as education for lowest class people education for last resort, for people of low intelligent quotient (IQ), low achievers and low status occupation as well as lack of career awareness in technical and vocational education.

  • CHAPTER FOUR -- [Total Page(s) 4]

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    • ABSRACT - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]ABSTRACTThis project was carried out to examine the factors affecting low ennoblement of female students in Erin-Ile Technical School in Oyun Local Government Area, Kwara State.Structured questionnaire was use to collect data gathered from teachers and female students in Erin-Ile Technical School in Oyun Local Government Area Kwara State.  It has been observed that the numbers of female students that enrolled for technical courses in technical education is low compare to their counterparty. Thi ... Continue reading---


      QUESTIONNAIRE - [ Total Page(s): 2 ]QUESTIONNAIRE   INTRODUCTORY LETTER                                        DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATIONAL MANAGEMENT UNIVERSITY OF ILORIN DEAR RESPONDENT I am a 500 Level Educational Management student from the above named institution conducting a study on the topic “Factor affecting low enrolment of female students in Erin Ile Technical, Oyun L.G.A”. All information given by you would be held in strict confidence.Yours faithfully,SECTION APERSONAL D ... Continue reading---


      TABLE OF CONTENTS - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]TABLE OF CONTENTTitle page  Certification   Dedication  Acknowledgement      Abstract    Table of content   CHARTER ONE Introduction     Background of the study   Statement of the problem    Research questions  Research Hypotheses  Purpose of the study    Signification of the study       Scope of the study     CHAPTER TWOReview of related literature  The aims and objectives of establishing technical colleges  Need for guidance and counselling in technical college   ... Continue reading---


      CHAPTER ONE - [ Total Page(s): 3 ]CHAPTER ONEINTRODUCTION        BACKGROUND OF THE STUDYBefore the arrival of western education in Nigeria, in 1842, traditional form of education was in existence in Nigeria where parents involve their daughters in some trades, which were taught how to weave, dye cloth, cooking, child rearing and household care to prepare them for marriage. These forms of rational education were not institutionalized as the case study. In Nigeria as early as 1850, British missionaries in an attempt to propa ... Continue reading---


      CHAPTER TWO - [ Total Page(s): 4 ]APPRAISAL OF THE LITERATURE REVIEWEDThis chapter deals with most books the researchers come across. Which were written by some professional and scholars? It consists of the aims and objective of establishing technical schools. The needs for guidance and counseling in technical and the strategies for motivating female students to be enrolled in technical  schools. This exercise in the review of related literature was imperatively and fundamental. The attempt was to sensitize interested readers o ... Continue reading---


      CHAPTER THREE - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]CHAPTER THREERESAERCH METHODThis chapter with the research design, population of the study, sample and sampling techniques, research instrument, validity and reliability of the instrument, procedure for data collection, method of data Analysis.RESEARCH DESIGNThe research design used in collecting data is the survey design.POPULATION OF THE STUDYThe population for this comprised of all the teachers, students and principal in Erin Ile Technical School.SAMPLE AND SAMPLING TECHNIQUESDue to large num ... Continue reading---


      CHAPTER FIVE - [ Total Page(s): 2 ]CHAPTER FIVESUMMARY, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS    This chapter presents the summary of the results, conclusions and recommendations based on the findings of the research.SUMMARY OF FINDINGS    The successful planning and implementation of so many educational programmes came to failure after a short while due to poor administration and attitude of government towards educational policy, some ideal programme collapse after a few periods either because of change in government or due to no ... Continue reading---


      REFRENCES - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]REFERENCESAdebara (2009) Important of Guidance and Counselling in Technical School,  Adeloye, J.A. (2006) towards a realistic participation of woman in technological education Alege B.O (2006) an analysis of source of teacher stress implications for counsellors and administrative Nigerian journal of counselling and development vol. 2 Aina .O. (2008) finding technical and vocational education as a tool for technological development in third republic Anummu, S.I. (2001) motivating the Nigerian ch ... Continue reading---