This chapter presents the summary of the results, conclusions and recommendations based on the findings of the research.
The successful planning and implementation of so many educational programmes came to failure after a short while due to poor administration and attitude of government towards educational policy, some ideal programme collapse after a few periods either because of change in government or due to non adequate fund to carry on the programme. The purpose of this study is to factors influencing low enrolment of female student in Erin Ile technical school in Oyun Local Government Area, Kwara State. Three research questions were raised and answered.
The population for the study comprised all the principals, teachers and students in Erin Ile Technical School in Oyun Local Government Area, Kwara State. A set of instrument which is: Questionnaire. The questionnaire is tagged “Factors Influencing Low Enrolment of Female Students Questionnaire†(FILEFSQ). All the research questions were answered using Descriptive Statistic of percentage and mean rating.
Based on the analysed data, the following are the summary of the major findings of the study:
1. The cumulative overall means score of 3.29 of the respondents which was above the benchmark of 2.50 clearly shows that social factor affect low enrolment of female students in Erin Ile Technical School.
2. The cumulative overall means score of 3.11 of the respondents which was above the benchmark of 2.50 clearly shows that cultural/traditional factor contribute to low enrolment of female student in Erin Ile Technical Schools.
3. Religion factor also encourage low enrolment of female student in Erin Ile Technical School.
Based on the findings of the study which stemmed from the data collected and analysed with the results obtained, the following conclusions were drawn.
1. Social factor affects low enrolment of female students in Erin Ile Technical School.
2. Cultural/traditional factor contributes to low enrolment of female student in Erin Ile Technical Schools.
3. Religion factor also encourages low enrolment of female student in Erin Ile Technical School.