Socio-economic Status Of Parents And Students' Academic Performance
Ho2: There is no significant relationship between parents' occupation and students' academic performance in Lagelu Local Government Area, Oyo State.
Table 3 shows that the calculated r-value of .301 is greater than the critical r- value of .195 at .05 level of significance for 198 degrees of freedom, the null hypothesis which states that there is no significant relationship between parents’ occupation and students’ academic performance was rejected. This means that, there is significant relationship between parents’ occupation and students’ academic performance. That is, parents’ occupation has positive impact on students’ academic performance in the school. Fibze and Shady (2009) affirmed that for some parents the opportunity cost of schooling are associated with labour shortage, resources and services lost by the reason of sending their children to school.
Summary of the Findings
(1) There was significant relationship between socio-economic status of parents and students' academic performance in Lagelu Local Government Area, Secondary Schools Oyo State.
(2) There was significant relationship between educational status of parents and students' academic performance in Lagelu Local Government Area, Secondary Schools Oyo State.
(3) There was significant relationship between parents' occupation and students' academic performance in Lagelu Local Government Area, Secondary Schools Oyo State.
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